Sex Robot enemy Begs you to come back to the plantation. No sex though.
Sex Robot Enemies. Terminator Waifu Targets if they escalate.
Word salad to try and get them back to the plantation, back to NO sex and endless financial responsibility. Her solutions are therapy or that men arent choosing these sex robots out of financial security with the added benefit of sex whenever desired. She thinks men are choosing these to be able to sexually dominate something whenever because you cant do it with a women in todays law. Her dreams are for you to accept the state where your wife can say "not tonight" every night, but because you love her in a womens eyes that means you must be okay with no more sex, only jerking off. Fuck her and fuck the men that see her point of view. No discussions to be had at current state of affairs, you're either a slave or free.
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I read in canada where the courts now drag men back into marriage through common law is marriage i have been to canada as a child seen a sign in front of a court house a man i remember the sign read she took the house kids pension everything never will i forget this man.
Until the marriage/divorce laws change, you can talk all you want to but men are leaving women behind for a "future with their Wifu".
I'm always amused when women bring up the expense of these toys. As if alimony, child support and going to court over and over is cheap.
She's worried that sex robots will erode "our" humanity (our=men).
Meanwhile TikTok, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, OnlyFans, and dating apps like Tinder ave done far more damage to our ability to socialize (our = women).
bring it, oh yah. oh yah and relation-shits are to be avoided.
the only winning move is not to play that game!
objectify women? fn really? I wonder when the first dildo was used?