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Published on 22 Jul 2020 / In Other

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cth96190 4 years ago  

This video is an indication of how broken our society is. Of how dysfunctional the relationship between men and women has become, because of the Communist movement known as Feminism.
I have not been with a woman for 20 years, because, after nearly two decades of rejection and being used, I realised that I was wasting my time.
It is interesting how the sexual power dynamic flips after age 35.
Plenty of women have approached me since I have been on the wrong side of 30. What I see is a female who would have told me to FOAD when she was 20, how is looking now for someone to rescue her from the consequences of 20 years of self-destructive choices.
I remember broken hearts, the rejections, the ridicule, the betrayals and, sometimes, the outright hate from university indoctrinated Feminists. I turn away, in the way that someone who has been burnt by a hot stove has learned to not touch one again.
Every day I die a little more inside.
There are no 'good women' out there.

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Freeatlast 4 years ago

I hope you’re not saying that you die a little bit more inside. If you find out the truth, the truth will set you free. If you’re thirsty go on tinder, and take care of business, or a brothel. Enjoy the hell out of life and do things that you like to do in that bring you purpose and satisfaction. If you don’t have any of those things, and get your stuff together and find some then. Thank you for being honest with your sharing,!

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

these women are ugly if it wasn't for simps these girls would be homeless without a man to take care of her.

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Mr Boogie
Mr Boogie 4 years ago

Wow what empowered womenz.... Not! A phd ?! Let me guess as a therapist, psychiatrist or pharmaceuticals to kill the pain in her vag? No amount of pills will get the pieces of your soul back Honey...
The fella that wife you up, you would think that he won't pay for sex, he is going to pay alright!
Her nightmares or mental problems
No lube in vag
Blown out vag or anus

Lady was it worth it to get that phd?

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Freeatlast 4 years ago

This woman has no pair bonding ability. She’s drowning in her life in academia. The guy that is hooked up with her is a total simp Manjina. This woman still is a full-blown feminist. She’s getting her degree to become a pimp.

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bluewaters 4 years ago

she aint a lady anymore that went out the window long before

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Sir_666 4 years ago

A guy has to be serious F'ing loser Simp to pay a prostitute for just a GFE these prostitutes are describing in this video.

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Shadewalker 4 years ago

I am happier with the waifu laifu, they don't need my money.

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