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Published on 18 Jan 2025 / In Other

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GenerationLESS 1 month ago

Mike Wallace showed his ignorance, or who was controlling him. The C.I.A. ran the coup to overthrow Mohammad Mossadeq in 1953 and installed their puppet the Shah. Dr. Donald N. Wilber, a key player in this, wrote out a report in 1954 of what was called "Project Ajax", describing how it was done. This was used as a "how to" model for other coups we were involved in in later years. The report was eventually published in a book by American Free Press in 2007 called; "The C.I.A. in Iran. The 1953 Coup and the Origins of the U.S.-Iran Divide."
The Shah was a weak man, and the C.I.A. used and paid his sister, in cash and mink coat, to shame and browbeat her brother into taking the job. The British had some involvement in all this too.
We are some real motherfuckers. If we'd leave people of other countries alone, stayed on our own side of the fucking oceans, these other countries wouldn't hate us as they do. But that's not the Global Agenda, now is it?

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Councilof1 1 month ago

A French philosopher once said "To know who rules you find out who you can't criticize".

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Facts. Then again it is the French who couldnt get a win for 4years and their farmers Shitting everywhere as their last attempt and getting more done than they ever have, until they Cuck to demands France can go back to being real france if they Shite all over their politician scum and take the buildings like the Bangledeshis however they wont and they will always run and cower when it gets real and its go time. Americans thank GOD are not like that they see it through to the End omce they have their eyes opened and Souls Awakend there is no going back for Americans and they will not accept 4 years of Trump Betraying them or Drafting them of they gonna go out Blasting they will the French nah they wont. From what I have Seen if Americans start dumping truck loads of Cow shite in Mansions of these FAGGOTT PEDO SCUM FAKE POLITICIANS they will bow down and finally accept the demands of the Americian people, it has proven through the centuries to have been effective and work and French are Captializing on it right now until they Cuck out unless they FORCE them to OBEY their demands and make the Politicians their Bitches I dont see that Happening However Americans when its really Bad I can see them Doing that \G/

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