Reality and femons attempts to be men have provided the makers of head meds much wealth. Always the way of the femon, to provide substandard service and want unwarranted reward. Beware that gold pee-sleeve is plated and a fool’s gold at best. Cheers Gents…
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Even though womens soccer is funny as hell I would still go see a good Male Comedian! From a NOT wasting my time view that is!
.... and lose playing against 15 y/o boys
Reality and femons attempts to be men have provided the makers of head meds much wealth. Always the way of the femon, to
provide substandard service and want unwarranted reward. Beware that gold pee-sleeve is plated and a fool’s gold at best. Cheers Gents…
Soloman, you mean we don't have to pay these feminazis to just exist and be big pains in the backside? Imagine that!