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She's Angry Because Her Husband Left Her To Become A Trans Woman LOL - MGTOW

Published on 15 May 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by another donation from Lech and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman! Have you heard of "trans widows"? Women whos husband's transition and in the divorce the courts treat them better then if they stayed males? Intersting turn if events. I bet in the future such move will get you money from the cis women... Love looking at the death of feminism!" Well Lech thanks for the donation and topic. In the other request you said that trans women were the answer to making sure that women dominate politics and a way to destroy sports. In this request you seem to be advocating that men should start transitioning so that so that family court judges treat them better. Maybe you have a fetish or something for trans women considering that you seem them as being the answer to destroying women's sports and pushing women off of corporate boards, politics and anywhere where female quotas are required. I knew a guy, he's somewhat of a gal these days. Six and a half feet tall and looks like the guy at the video game store that went nuts when they called him I mean her sir instead of mame. The individual I knew became estranged from his wife and children for the new trans identity and then a number of years later go married to a trans man from Eastern Europe. I've got a theory about all this transgender stuff. It's almost like nature is trying to correct itself. The male is supposed to be the more beautiful of the species but since women have makeup and other image enhancing technology they are like a brown cardinal painting it's feathers to look more like a brightly colored parrot and the red cardinal looks plain compared to the female cardinal that's had a make over. In every other species the male is the more visually appealing and attractive. Makeup on women is there so they become more attractive than other women in an arms race to get the most attractive man. But many of the trans women are still seeking out females for relationships. Regardless why would you leave your wife take on the appearance of a female and then date or marry a biological female that would take on the plain appearance of a man? Maybe some of us humans know that instinctively something is wrong in the mating game and that males are supposed to be more attractive than females instead of the other way around. I was talking to someone about female image enhancement and he mentioned that in Amazon tribes the women look so plain compared the males because the males have to do all of the labor of hunting, fishing and construction. I've said before that if you're an incel that looks like a 2 out of 10 you could change your appearance to female and then go around trying to shame lesbians to sleep with you and that has worked to some extent. But there has been push-back from the lesbian community from many that don't want to sleep with trans women. I believe the tide is turning against trans women. One of the female swimmers that didn't qualify for the NCAA event where the dude in a Borat bathing suit won will probably provoke female own group preference so that women begin to boycott sporting events where trans women are competing. That's the fastest way to change things by getting women to make that change. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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mrghoster 3 years ago

I'm afraid the women's idea of beauty and mine these day's are totally incompatible. If I was desperate enough to need a CUNT I would hire a prozie, pay for it and problem solved, but I an a REAL MAN I live MY life without need of validation or virtue signals. As it is Life has far more interesting and constructive things offered to me than boring old sex. The only way I would take note of a women today (possibly), would be if it was in personality, something sadly missing in women today, even a sense of care or the fact she may even listen to you, nut then if women started doing that their is my suspicious mind to conquer first? I have not trust in women anymore than I trust politicians or Religion today. I trust only my intuition and intelligence these day's, it has saved me a fortune in money and a fortune in misery! not ALL MEN want to be bombarded with images of TIT's and ASS, have you noticed as well how ALL women look the same today? Yeh! like Roman WHORES! lol!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Women have forgotten with feminism that "Equality" is a double headed sword. I've posted the book by Ester Vilar "The Manipulated Man, and I suggest all you Guys read it. Ester was a first wave "Feminine" feminist where Equality was inclusive of MEN as well as just the woman. as a women this book poicks out every fault with the female in society in the 1970's when it was written. It WILL blow you mind. But today's women are not aware of this publication or do not want to read it because it is derogatory towards their gender?

What we see today is NOT about Equality in any way or form. rather than share responsibility and character with MEN, women went to war on MEN. The result is they are set to lose big time and MEN wont give a shit. If trans MEN to women can help then so be it. It appears women are happy to trash MEN's world, but now their world is being trashed they don't like it.What a bunch of FUCKING Hypocrites women have become.

Anyway guy's check out Ester Vilar's book on my channel. it is read by a Guy with explanations to certain issues explained and NOT one of those Robot Voice things as it previously was. you will here about what TRUE Equality is is a series of situational stories she put forward on how the woman has got it wrong?

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mrghoster 3 years ago

If you look at NATURE the fefail is always the uninteresting, dowdy brown or grey thing whilst the MALE is the colorful active one, this can be seen mainly with Birds, bugs, and fish. whereas the fefail inhuman bitch seems to think they rule the roost! lol! They even have Men shaving their ball's or MAN Scaping now hoe feminine is that, they use hygiene as an excuse? Well my big hair dick is cleaner than any fefail bodily part I can be sure of that, especially seeing as it isn't SOILED by contact with the fefail repulsive bodily part! lol! I can promise this is ALL gonna end bad for women in the long run, the crack's are already appearing (Excuse the Pun)! lol! Just maybe now MGTOW has removed REAL MEN from society to a place of safety, the TRAN's MEN will infiltrate the fefail world and destroy it from with in? Whilst the rest of use buy that muscle car for our own pleasure and not to impress, we will and do have our own money because it isn't wasted on dating and relationSHIT's, our time is our own because we are not dominated by lazy fefails that want YOU to do shit for them. True PEACE OF MIND is your guy's if you look for it! Peace.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Good ol' double standards again! lol! Women are feminist and lesbian's yet if a MAN turn's he is NOT accepted by the women's world? Personally I think tran's anything in today's world is a mental illness? but here was see women getting shittty over a MAN basically doing what they do all the time as they the women think they have balls and can do M
Have you noticed how "Independemt" women claim they don't need a MAN yet still expect to get respect from MEN? A women doesn't NEED a MAN............until that is SHE NEEDS A MAN! lol! and fewer MEN are coming forward to be abused!

I bet this CUNT's husband built their house from the ground up and now he wants to be what he wants ( be it NOT my cup of tea), but because he is a MAN he is derided and shamed for doing what women do all the time. You may think a MAN siding as a women would make women happy? but women are not happy even with other women. So fuck HER and good luck to him in a women's world! lol!

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

Oh Sandman, you should have studied Biology via zoology as much as you did Psychology! Those flashy birds, male birds, have the role of attracting the attention of predators and lead them away from their "plain Jane" female mates camouflaged in their environment. This only happens in Nature as localized adaption. There are example of the same species of fish 'peacocking" in ariver, but downstream the water fall, the same species of fish, the males evolved into the "plain jane" in order to survive by camouflage.

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