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She's Not The Prize - MGTOW

Published on 23 May 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from David and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Alright, thank you for being patient with my topic request. Here are some topics that I think could be good ones to talk about. 1– Mentorship and how it looks like with friends, family and others in your community who you are involved with. 2– Faith & belief and how they can help give you a direction in life as well as a proper foundation. 3– Any sort of personal questions that you feel would be worth talking about. 4– Reprioritizing yourself and setting up obtainable goals/ dreams. 5– How Broken homes and single parent families impact young men these days. 6– How to Press forward during hard times (how I’ve found my way through my challenges and trials are definitely somewhat unique that I feel are worth talking about). Well David thanks for the donation and questions. Before I get to them let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. So David I'll go through each of the six points that you want me to cover and the theme that I see running through all of your questions is that of male self improvement. Hence the title of she's not the prize. The first issue is mentorship. The problem with mentorship in this day and age is that if you're interested in mentoring another guy and helping him out with regards to red pilling him and teaching him about female nature is that it has to be without a woman around. Otherwise you will automatically subconsciously police your own behavior as to not offend her. Even if you can relax and try to mentor another man other women will hear and they will jump all over you faster than kids jumping on cake at a birthday party and you won't enjoy it. Unless you're a pedo in a full length trench coat. That goes for mentorship with friends and family. If you want to mentor others unfortunately because women have a virtual monopoly in the real world it's got to be done virtually. I know you're big on helping guys in the real world. Guys you know. But just remember that even if you can there are guys in real life that you can mentor in relative privacy many guys will run off and blab about MGTOW to women and it could easy get back to you that you're the one trying to free men from the plantation. That's why the red pilling process is where it is with regards to online mentorship. I don't trust that guys I tell about it in real life won't tell their wives and girlfriends and then those women pay me a visit with torches and bitchforks in their hands. As for the second thing you want me to talk about David which is faith and belief I think that those are personal things.

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KEEPER 5 years ago
RogueEconomist 5 years ago

Many great thinkers from the past thought Satan had a female nature. Deception , the mask of beauty and kindness. Behind the mask lurks true evil. If there is no masculine God, then all is useless and the feminine god of this world wins. I have seen behind the feminine mask and Satan is real, and lurks there. The Bible did warn us- " And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14

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