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She Doesn't Care About You - MGTOW

Published on 20 Feb 2025 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Toolmaker and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I am writing to you on getting your input on the topic of male plight in society, and how they are alone unless if they are the top male. Males are expected to be providers and protectors in society without reward. Women are allowed to do as they want with their careers and opportunities men gave them, and are ungrateful as they can't find a male to their status in return. I saw a memes of the week video, where the meme had the Chad's, then women, and then the invisible male as a ranked hierarchy. We know society comes to the aid of the independent woman when she is at her low and is protected, but the suffering male is given the cold shoulder and left to die alone. It seems like males are more likely to be hurt or assaulted by other men or women also, and you mentioned before stats do not say why. Do women and top tier males enjoy the suffering of the majority of men? Is there a malice in their hearts? As an example to this topic, I saw a video where a man gives the red pill in a letter, where his wife divorced him for another man when his health was failing, and when she had poor health later, her family demanded money from him, and he did not help her, thus infuriating them. Thanks and have a good one." Well Toolmaker thanks for the donation and topic. All men are alone. Especially the top 1% of males. If you think it's bad trusting a woman or people in general when you're the average dude. Then what do you think it's like when you're wealthy and people want to sop you up with a biscuit? You don't know who's using you and who genuinely likes you. The only way you know that is when you're in your teens in high school. Sure if you're a good looking guy and you get tons of female attention and validation you're not lonely but again they only like you for the way you look. It's all conditional. Also you're younger so you haven't experienced the flip side of the equation. Women and top tier men when they are yo0ung don't particularly enjoy the suffering of average guys. Most of us are invisible to them unless we become wealthy, gain status or give them free attention. Then they tend to want to take advantage of us. Then they see us the way we see a free ammo and health pickup in a first person shooter game. The suffering average male is living life on difficult mode if in fact we are living in a simulation earlier in life and then things get easier as we get older. Women on the other hand live life on easy mode earlier on but the difficulty mode increases as they got older. The same goes for the Chads. They relied on their looks to gain female validation and attention their entire lives and once those fade most of them get depressed. I see so many former Chads on YouTube trying to cling to attention and validation now that they've gotten older and have started to metaphorically stink. A good example of this in real life was Justin Trudeau.

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