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She Explains Why Modern Women Need To SHUT UP More.. | I AM WOMAN Hear Me Roar Grizzle Grizzle

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Manosphere Highlights Daily
Publicado em 07 Jun 2024 / Em Pessoas e Blogs

Shout out to the diary of a CEO for this video. Former secret service special agent Evy Poumpouras talks about women's importance of being heard. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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WMHarrison94 9 meses atrás

I thought these women er cunts were unhappy because men stopped depositing their (human) semen in them: Now, they need to pay to get fish ie salmon semen in their ass er cooches... One they already smell like fish and two why deprive salmon eggs the semen!? The government's already killing our nation's livestock, burning the farm fields, and blowing up food industry plants as well... Why the fuck you reducing our fish farms' production!?!

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