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She Has My Balls In Her Purse - MGTOW

Published on 11 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Resurrection of “F”. His comments are quite lengthy so before I get to them let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to Resurrection "F". His story is quite long but it's worth listening to because it shows us how men change and progress through life the more women chew us up and spit us out. Here's what he has to say: "Good Day Sandman, I could not think of a Sandman worthy topic title but here is the back story. A good friend of mine, whom I've served with in the US Armed Forces turned me on to your channel after he’s been listening to 3 years of my misery. In short, I am unfortunately a purple pilled man. I joined the service in the mid 2000s and tried 2 long-distance relationships, first commencing with a hometown girl which failed miserably after 2 months short of 2 years. Subsequently, her civilian resiliency didn’t not hold up to me being overseas for over a year (failed engagement #1). Bonus Fact: she was mentally driven to not have sex until marriage. Which again didn’t quite happen because within 2 months of us breaking up she was with another man and a year later had given birth. Not mine because we never had actual sex. Shortly after, I met a girl in also in the service that lived in the same barracks as me and we hit it off quite nicely. She
was a few years older and in longer (three years to my mere months at the time). We were speaking marriage after not even 6 months. I thought everything was going quite well however, without a trace, I was ghosted with no explanation. No egregious wrong doing on my end just “we should take a break” and before I knew it, she had deleted my number from her phone (failed engagement #2). I had yet another failed relationship (due to distance yet again) when I had rotated back stateside, but I met my “end all be all". Having been in two years, three failed relationships, and two failed engagements, I enlightened her on the possibility that I am deployable and I will eventually be sent overseas. She promised she never would do anything that the past women have done to me. She would get mad if I brought up the past or compared this to my prior failed relationships. As I had mentioned, it was not a matter of “if” but “when” I would be going back overseas which the day came. The agreement was if we survived being long distance in two separate countries, we would get hitched. We survived and had been together for five years (two of which I was overseas) and I (again) dropped to one knee feeling that this was it. She said "yes", as did the first 2, and we were going for it. Not too long after, history repeated itself and I found myself with not only my "Johnson" in hand yet again but, the largest hole in my heart I've ever felt which leads me to my current situation. I met another woman in the service who was 5 years older. She was previously in an abusive relationship she didn’t leave and was left at the alter while her “fiancé” took her money and ran. I have confirmed that her previous relationship was to a living epitome of a piece of shit human being but, I digress. I was not all in. I didn't give a shit and became a one manned cock carousel. To me, she was another “conquest” however, during my days of delivering premium “schwing-schwang” (please don’t sue me, I know that is your phrase but, I find it hilarious) across the US, she discovered a message of one of my private “carousel riders” and got very upset. Here is where I messed up, I let her emotions and “hurt feelings” cuck me.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

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4 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

1. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-178236814/stoc

2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-298914703/stoc

3. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-259340863/stoc

4. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-301390813/stoc

5. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-269762521/stoc

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ancientsea 5 years ago

Rubbing his nose, ''in-it'', after he was caught cheating is what people do to train a puppy. I think the girls refer to this form of manipulative abuse as, ''playing-guilty-games''? These girls like themselves much too much to be hurt over a guys slight indiscretion.

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One_Ronin 5 years ago

Think we've all been there; telling a hot babe to go find some other guy to burden with her drama. The golden V is a magnet, but very quickly they repel us, to the point we want to drive them to their next date and dump her in some poor saps lap.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

sounds like he spent hours and hours and hours and hours chasing poon ... now that he has spent 1000's of dollars and hours invested in NOTHING .... thats what he has....... imagine if he had put the effort into his military/civilian education .... never forget, females LIE , it is their nature to ensure that she gets what she wants.

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