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She Has Tiny Tatas - MGTOW

Published on 21 Oct 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Kirie and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Yesterday, I faced the calamity of being somehow charmed by a flat-chested lady working the till as a cashier. I fell into some kind of love trance and idealization thinking I needed to get her number before I left town. I may still do that, but since I cannot even remember her face, I will probably just try to be her customer one more time and find fault in her and then leave. I don't trust women easily. I either love them too much (when I can't have them), or their mystery dissipates and I'd rather be on my own. I don't even know if she had boobs, but there was something very intriguing about her. I almost feel like my red & black pill ideology is being dismantled before my eyes, and I could see myself simping hard to chase her. So my suggested video is "The flat-chested chameleon" In this case I think she used mild drama to trigger my protective instincts. You could talk about how those flat-chested women with decently pretty faces compensate for any physical lacks or defects with polished social communication where they seemingly expose their souls and tug at your heart strings -- without just batting fake eyelishes and bouncing those jiggly mangos like absolute simpletons. The flat chested ones use guile and charm to a man's protective instincts. They seem to be forgotten ripe fruit but most men pass them over due to their concave chest. To me, a man who's been rejected by women or in any case been hesitant to approach them, such desperate pleas trigger my protective instincts and I am tempted, but I also feel that a woman who jumps at me must be low-value, since she would presumably be in a relationship already if she had true value. What they lack in mangos, they compensate for with social skills, reflecting a man back at himself. Appearing somehow to be a perfect soul partner that the man has been looking for. I don't even know the woman who merely served me at the supermarket, and I would figure her seemingly good treatment of me was either routine for her or something she throws the way of men who may fit the bill for what she's looking for. She was possibly in her baby rabies age, I'd say between 26 and 31, but it's hard to know exactly. I'm a tall northerner here in Bulgaria, with my appearance alone possibly suggesting I may be a well-off foreigner, and she's a minimum wage earner working the till, probably earning between $600 and $900 a month. I probably just mistook her kindness for romantic interest, but I'm not used to getting any kind of eager attention from women her age, so I tend to mess things up by seeming disinterested, since I'm generally trying to stay clear of women as I just see them as energy vampires and I prefer the simplicity of independence and keeping my emotions tucked away. Although I think she may be at my level as far as dating goes all in all, I still would not be surprised to know she gets hit on all the time. Someone working at a supermarket is exposing themselves to hundreds of men per week. Men are thirsty, and she's not below a 5/10. Just some thoughts, if this doesn't strike a cord, maybe something related or perhaps a video talking about Balkan girls?

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joolco22 2 years ago

Nothing wrong with whamyn with small titties, they love to suck and fuck just like bigger whamyn

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

When I was younger and had abs while on active duty, I was actively seeking and fucking the girls with smaller tatas..everybody was going after medium and big some really BIG breasts, but they ignored the small chested. Those small chested girls compensated really well in sex using what they did have... oh, those secual marathons... Now, I would probably be happy with a thin chick if I were not going monk.

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I like them small to medium.....

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