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She Shares Too Much


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Published on 07 Feb 2025 / In Comedy

#shorts #sharingiscaring #internet #what #sharetoomuch #medicalproblems #hygiene
Comedy for men. Pure parody and satire. All just for fun.

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sbseed 1 month ago

what the actual fuck...
that THING needs to be put in a psycho ward at the funny farm...
we need to bring back insane asylums...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

No. Study her... figure what yeast strand(s) she has (so we can detect it later on all baked foods), and hire a dude to hose her ass down... I mean an installation of the BeenGay ass squirter kit to her current toilet (keep it cold so her ass feels something.) Yep, let women be independent... good plan. What could GO WRONGGGG!?!

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Damn... sorry dumb bitch, but those are different yeast species! Telk me again why you never eat food women offer you? They grossed me out at Spirit cooking with their period blood...It's a good thing most men are on some kind of Paleo(lithic) or Keto(genic) diet...Just cut literally that shit out of your diet... Sadly, I can never look at red velvet the same...thanks wierd Satanic bitches.

Hmmm, maybe that's why a lot of people are saying things taste like ass... lately. Damn, who knew they were correct! Though, I never ate ass; so, I don't have a reference point other than that taste you feel in your mouth when you smell a fresh, foul dumping... Smell and Taste are closely related...well, their neurocytes involved any way...

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Have you never heard the young school boys say, "Ugghhh Gurl Germs!" - well there may be a whole heap more historical hand me down hearsay based upon facts, than simple silliness.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: oh, you mean the "cooties." Damn, them little boys were right all along... so is that shy they dumbed us fown (or attempted to in our public schools, er indoctrination crnters I meant?...Lol!

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30 seconds in....

Using her own cunt yeast has saved her $2 for not buying yeast from the grocery store.

Oh god.

Give her a car inner tube and cut her adrift in the middle of the Atlantic.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

She's delusional... a bottle of yeast is $5 at least... dumb bitch can't math correctly...

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@WMHarrison94: I got into making Sour Dough Bread for a while.... AND all that is, is allowing natural yeasts to colonise bread batter, so that one could have a supply of ready to use yeast in large amounts, for regular baking.... before the days of commercial yeast manufacturing. AND some yeasts gas up well.... it's not a miracle food product from the Age of Aquarius or any hippy trancendental bullshit. If your the village / town baker baking 50 - 500 loaves a day (or whatever) , you can either make plain dough - un leavened and wait 3 to 5 days for it to rise or you can spike it with a big dose of living yeast from a HUGE bowl of fermenting water and flour that gets regular top ups, and the yeast goes into the dough in the night, it's risen by early morning and baked by sunrise...... It's all it is - commerce as a baker.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Of course it isn't the no Agebof Aquarius bull shit: We still in the Age of Pisces or Biblical "Salvation." We still zbput twenty years from Age of Aquarius. It's observable. I have to double check bevause I'm notba hippie acrolyte or fucking witches anymore... but it is either the last Zodiac sign you see before dawn or the first one you see on the jorizon at night fall. I am leaning towards horizon at dawn, er just before. Hey, God El Elohim of Israel put it there! I just noticed it.

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@WMHarrison94: Yeah - making bread from natural yeasts is so easy - I don't know why the dumb bitch has to finger her fuck hole to get some germ ridden slime to IDY her own bread or even to buy it. Small bowl, watery flour and water to make runny pancake mix, leave it in a warm place, stir up every day or so.... within 3 to 4 days you have a thriving yeast culture.... and depending on how much bread your making / take a bit out for the breads and pastries, and add a bit of fresh water and fresh flour back in, give it a stir and there is more yeast for your next days baking.....

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ATEENTION... She's an attention shore. But, What I see and say, a bitch scratching her croth s lot is not a good lay or Investment..

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@WMHarrison94: The dog semen makes the bread taste better - she said. ( about to vomit )

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 month ago

Why would you make a video about this.....femon attention!

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Leader_Desslok 1 month ago

some women like to gross other people out . it makes them feel powerful. this is a prime example of passive aggressive behaviour.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 month ago

@Leader_Desslok: She's just nuts and homely

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@SoloMan Zone: Well, if the dumb bitch can't afford Charmin toilet paper, why not buy a BeenGay home attachment kit? Oh wait, dumb ass bitch here-- nevermind. There I go "Mansplaining again..."

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