She Shoot A Simp Cop He Lets It Slide
Published on 19 Mar 2021 / In
Film & Animation
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Was she hit? Maybe the cop knew she was wounded and wouldn't get far.
GTA!? She should have ran his ass over to finish the job. That's how i play jusayin
Remember the Robocop car? The reinforced suspension?
That's the norm nowadays with cops like this.
How is this even allowed? Any criminal can outrun this man. Disgraceful.
Its called a Pussy Pass. Any man would have had a Mag Dump performed on his sorry Behind.
I would of still been firing rounds into that car, no telling if she was going to roll over me on the way out. I guess she figured her Camaro would get stuck on him. But your right if it was a man, he would of been a bullet sponge.