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--SHE STARTS CRYING-- When Reality Starts To Sink In For Modern Women

Published on 17 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

Yet MORE exreme women crying over shit, shit they bought on themselves and I for one DON@T GIVE A SHIT. I finishged with women a long time ago. It's to risky to be round one, It's dangerous because you don't know what the fucking RETART is gonna say abouyt you behind your back, also you know if you did find one, SHE don't need you just what YOU have to supply her with what SHE wants, there is nothing on or even under that table for YOU fella! I love watching those SALTY FAKE tears from these HOE's! lol! There attitudes are so TOXIC you know these CUNT's are lying from the start!

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Mustang 12 months ago

12:07 If she thinks life is hard now, wait until The Tribulation Period starts!!!

She makes over $30 per hour?!?!?! My goodness, a ton of Americans make far, far less and manage to survive and exist.

I would bet dollars to donuts she goes out to eat every day at her job, makes a car payment, has a Netflix Subscription and Cable, has the latest I Phone, has a designer Handbag, stops at Starbucks everyday for a $8 fancy Coffee Drink, has the latest Flat Screen TV, etc.. Time to eliminate some stuff, Girlfriend!!!

Please notice the difference between men and women. A man would be making a plan of action to solve all these problems. He would divide and identify each problem and think up a solution to each problem. He would sit at the Kitchen Table with paper and pen and write this down so he could go back and see if he is making any progress on each problem.

This is why 304's need men in their lives. To provide some stability and problem solving. 304's only want to bitch, complain, and moan about their problems. They are not interested in solutions.

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mrghoster 12 months ago

Betting Dollar's to Donut's she eats the Donuts! lol!

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mrghoster 12 months ago

You as you say Grill or pan a Steak. You put a Joint in the oven it's the one place the NARC team wont look for her drug's (Head Med's) that is! women are really starting to get on my tit's these days, they really ARE fucked!

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

r she plays the lottery or casinoes consistently...

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Mustang 12 months ago

9:10 Is she cooking a Steak in the Oven?!?!?! Please, someone tell me no!!! I'm a old Man and I even know that you cook a Steak on the Grill or a Frying Pan.

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WMHarrison94 12 months ago

Technically, you can sear it in the pan and then back it in the oven. The searing traps some moisture inside so you do not dry it out.

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Mustang 12 months ago

5:20 Girlfriend, here's a radical idea : Why, oh why didn't you get a Degree that would have provided a good paying job after you graduated from College?????????!?

Come to The Midwest. Plenty of jobs here. But they are physical jobs that require you to actually work for a living. Unfortunately, you lazy worthless Millennial and Generation Zero Losers don't want to work. All you want to do is play COD in your Mother's Basement and smoke Pot. What lousy Generations you are!!!

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Mustang 12 months ago

:20 Big Crazy Eyes Alert!!!

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Uggghhhhhhh - Women are for the most part, nothing but liabilities and problems....

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