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She Stole My Freedom Of Speech - MGTOW

Published on 04 Apr 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from CSI Phoenix and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have a subject for you to consider. I worked in law enforcement for a while on patrol, and did 4 years as a CSI. I'm pretty familiar with criminal law. My ex wife cheated on me, and tried to take half of my income and my kids during the initial divorce proceedings. The male judge was fair and I got split custody, and didn't have to pay anything because we had a similar income. This last round of court my ex really nailed me. She falsely claimed that I was doing domestic abuse to her and that I pulled out a gun on her twice in public on an order of protection. She also said I said mean things to her in an email. The part about the mean emails is true. I was getting frustrated because she was keeping my kids from me, my job changed and I work a 9-5 now. This is a lot different from my old schedule, I asked her to modify parenting time so I could get equal time with the them. It took 7 months for that to happen, and we had to go to court. About 5 months in I called her a bitch over email, and said FU to her. I also told her she hit the wall hard and looked like she was ready for a few hard winters. Out of the 111 emails I sent her in a 5 month period, those were the only mean things I said. We only communicated over email during those five months, because I refused to communicate any other way. I live in Arizona, and I'm a firearm collector and enthusiast. Everything I said was protected speech. I'm 6 feet tall and weigh 250 pounds, I'm a hobbyist powerlifter and I can bench press about 430 pounds and squat about 550. My ex wife said I beat her up, but didn't have a mark on her and didn't call the cops. She also knows what a serious offense it is to point a gun at someone. We went to court and the new female judge said that my words were harrassment, and I lost my Second Amendment rights for a year. Could you do a video on how men in the United States can lose their rights even if they engage in Constitutionally protected speech? I think the word needs to get out that the gynocentroc courts will screw a man over even if he acts within the law. I tried to get my local police department to investigate the class 6 and class 4 felonies of false reporting and perjury. Even after speaking to the detective sergeant saying I wanted to be a victim of these felonies, he said he couldn't commit resources to it since no one was hurt. I argued that my reputation was damaged, and I lost my rights. He couldn't or wouldn't help me. Thank you and cheers. I'm upping my monthly donation to help offset the subscribers you've lost. It's not much but lawyers are expensive. Cheers." Well CSI Phoenix thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor, me the Sandman:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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richabh 5 years ago

The MGTOW app rocks!!!

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Stalwart 5 years ago

I'm so glad you're on here, Sandman! mgtow.tv is great!!!

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HarshReality 5 years ago

I wish I could have a story on here.

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richabh 5 years ago

The gynocentric courts are a Kafkaesque horror.

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