She Thought Paternity Fraud Was A Good Idea Until She Was Proven Wrong
Published on 02 Jan 2025 / In
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She Thought Paternity Fraud Was A Good Idea Until She Was Proven Wrong
Five years in prison? What’s going on in this Paternity Fraud case? Let’s take a look at what this woman actually did.
So she wants to show everyone that this man needs to take responsibility and pay his child support. Will that really be the case?
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Bitch should fry: That's malicious intent. Bring back Salem Bitch Trials snd shame and burning bitches on the fucking stake. Period. Otherwise, this will never end until The Gods end us, and at this point, I with The Gods on that decision to end us..."Oh meteor, Oh meteor, where art thou?"
THE FACT THAT WOMEN HAVE THE MARER (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right), BUT MEN DONT HAVE THE PARER ...
is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists, that fills masculists with a burning sense of injustice. So, millions of women FORCE men into an unwanted paternity, thus man slaving men for two decades to pay for a kid that he never wanted in the first place.
Women who pull this shit - that bitch should be fed to dogs.