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She Thought Paternity Fraud Was A Good Idea Until She Was Proven Wrong

Published on 02 Jan 2025 / In People & Blogs

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She Thought Paternity Fraud Was A Good Idea Until She Was Proven Wrong

Five years in prison? What’s going on in this Paternity Fraud case? Let’s take a look at what this woman actually did.
So she wants to show everyone that this man needs to take responsibility and pay his child support. Will that really be the case?

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Bitch should fry: That's malicious intent. Bring back Salem Bitch Trials snd shame and burning bitches on the fucking stake. Period. Otherwise, this will never end until The Gods end us, and at this point, I with The Gods on that decision to end us..."Oh meteor, Oh meteor, where art thou?"

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profhugodegaris 2 months ago

THE FACT THAT WOMEN HAVE THE MARER (maternity rejection right, aka abortion right), BUT MEN DONT HAVE THE PARER ...
is the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists, that fills masculists with a burning sense of injustice. So, millions of women FORCE men into an unwanted paternity, thus man slaving men for two decades to pay for a kid that he never wanted in the first place.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Why do you think we are walking away and birth rates be damned?

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Women who pull this shit - that bitch should be fed to dogs.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Uh. The Jezebel treatment .. make whst's left of her as dung upon the fields? I prefer the cridpy fried version...Make Salrm Bitch Trials snd Burnings Great Agsin, but I'll settle for Common Again...Hey, words are violence: Thry call us White Colonizers!?@ Make White Colonizing Great Again! Bring Back Colonial Justice! It works.

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@WMHarrison94: Well England is the center of the universe and the Garden of Edam, and they were simply better at killing everyone else into oblivion than everyone else - for a while.... They take turns.... BUT whoever is ruling the roost at this point in time, it has to be said, that being more studious, resourceful, organised, and harder working - and having a better team to do it with - is better than not being up to scratch.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: No. I know where the Garden of Eden is. An agnostic found it. It's in the Turkish mountains requiring one to pasd through seven gorges, mountain passes or "gates" hence the timeless phrase "Seven Gates to Paradisr." Paradiso is a walled garden often eptomized as "paradise." A Patadiso isca walled gardeb: the walls of Eden was the mountains and the plain "eiden" in front of it... Nice Try though. I have heard a rumor started that Troy from the Iliad and Odyssey was England: it is not, and that the lost Tribes of the Jews from the fall of Judea were in England. I suspevt those two tribes when to Italia and Germania bevause we have Roman accounts of Jews libing their before Emperor General Trajan sacked Jerusalem or Palestina as the Romans called them.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Well, England or Angles conquered land from the Romans after they conquered parts of Btitannia... were invaded by Germans-- the Angles, Saxons, and Picts. They were the true masters of carnage and death, especially the Picts. So, you're not entirely wrong...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Interesting, there is said to be another Garden of Eden made by aliens, ie the Anonauki that also fits exactly the Biblical trafition and descriptions. I misspoke. The Second "Alien Colony" one is in the Turkish mountains, the actually Biblical one is in the Iraqui mountains or Persian mountains. Sorry, in my haste typing, I merged the two ideas... unintentionally. This is why I have become more verbose to strive for better accuracy.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

This makes sense if you look at it. All the early Biblical lands are in Iraq or Babylon or Persia even Assyrians and Ninevah are in Iraq. So, coming out of those seven gorges from the paradiso into Persia makes a lot of sense and we can trace their farming their while we can see today wild wheat growing in Turkey off the Euphrates... I kindbof want some for bread a n d for growing and for genetic analysis.

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My Pro British position is only a cultural gloat, based upon an ignorant and annoying statement to everyone else who is not British and is there fore is inferior... LOL - I mean Americans are even inferior to the French, because they cannot figure out how to cook frogs.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Frogs I r Frogmen were thre PreSEALs... before Kennedy authorised the SEAL teams.

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@WMHarrison94: It was a spin from a joke told by ???????? about a woman she was working with who was British, who used to rub her totally up the wrong way... by saying, "You know, there are other races that are as good as we British, but for the life of me, I cannot possibly think of who they might be". AND this started the Psychic Bitch war between the two..... - So there were and are many good things about different bits of humanity in different areas and at different times.... Coal, the Steam Engine, Industrialisation and Victorian England - really was an incredible thing..... Brittania Ruled the Waves etc.

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@WMHarrison94: I don't really go in for the kill much, more it's just toying with them, to evaluate their character and intelligence and to figure out their strengths and weakness... To say something and to study their reactions....

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It's not a particularly intelligent tack, like you don't have to figure out much to say it, but it's an excellent theme to antagonise women with, being as inferior as they are, with their gross over sensitivity and all....

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: You don't think they're doing that to is Westerners? Trying to fill us with gloat and push false Republican versus Demoncrat on us?! I am for Freedom: Neither sides of the Uniparty aligns with freedom...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Dude, women are empty black holes, watery holes. They need men to fill them up with memories, entertainment especially jokes, intellectual sayings she csn repeat, and semen of course... that's all they are.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Oh, I forhot the foodie too, fill up her stomach for free. I mean getting a blowjob or fucking her vag and/or ass is still free?! It judt costs time on her part and gives her uhm attention! Lazy fucking whores...

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