RedPill Asylum vol 3 - TheRedKnight

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She Tried To Put Him In The Friendzone...He Agreed....AND THEN SHE GOT MAD

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Published on 02 Oct 2022 / In People & Blogs


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sauger1001 2 years ago

Monk mode, so ALL women I meet are automatically, but politely, friendzoned.

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

Yeee lol

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sauger1001 2 years ago

@TheRedKnight: I'm not as young as I used to be when I was a "Tyrone", so the women that still approach me are shocked to see a 60 something, heterosexual, single man, with no kids (to the best of my knowledge), friendzone a fairly attractive (in their minds, bc of their filters) woman. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze. Lol.

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

@sauger1001: yeah I'm 34 lol me having no kids everyone thinks I'm gay. I'm like no I'm demisexual and autistic lol

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sauger1001 2 years ago

@TheRedKnight: Funny how some things never change, regardless of the era. Lol.

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

@sauger1001: yeah, quick update on my life, ill be working for myself by late winter next year, ive filed for bankruptcy due to crushing debt. Ill be doing gig hustles, i have around 7 signed up lol

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

@sauger1001: im tired of being the "nice guy" im actually reading the book no more mr nice guy, i see myself alot in those men that are described. hate to admit it I was raised to be a soft coward, it hurts to admit this, im still very weak, but the redpill saved me from utter simp destruction.

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

@sauger1001: i want to be happy, and not worry about anyone else, not my parents, not my "friends" they arent going to help me when i have nothing to show for, nobody cares about anyone, sad but true. No one really, honestly, truly starts to call you up unless they need something, its never "just because" no its because people depend on guys like me to bail them out. and i cant afford to fall for it

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TheRedKnight 2 years ago

@sauger1001: i got me a new used car, i can pay it off in about 2yrs, im going to work the gig economy and have it make me lots of money, im tired of seeing that corporate cieling, im tired of ONLY getting a certain flat rate, maybe im worth 18/hr, maybe. BUT, maybe im worth 25/hr, or even 40/hr. ive gotten up at 430am and made 350 in one day doing uber and lyft, its hard to clock in to a job after that, its hard answering to someone after that.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

@TheRedKnight: You'll find (as I eventually did), that the most important word in your vocabulary (for your own peace of mind) has to be "NO". I have a twice divorced younger sister, who lives in the same town as me. She probably makes more money than me, which is fine, since I'm frugal, but she's always stressing about something. Since her husbands aren't with her, she hoped that I'd be her emotional tampon. When she found that wasn't going to happen, she stopped bugging me. An occasional text or call is fine, just to catch up on family matters. Setting boundaries makes for healthier relationships.

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