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She Wants To Be Friends - MGTOW

Published on 13 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I recently had a strange encounter with a long time girl "friend. " We've actually known each other for roughly 15 years but went a long time without talking as she had gotten married and later divorced. In fact, I knew her husband too and I liked him. A couple of years ago we made contact through social media and eventually she was calling. I was deep into MGTOW by this time and had refused to date for nearly 8 years but I was not in monk mode at the point she called me. I truly enjoyed the friendly relationship, although she was often drunk and dumping her emotional garbage onto me, and I didn't mind. She said her ex was the cause of her losing all of her friends and that I was her only "true" friend. I was fine with this. Jump forward to several months ago and she's drunkenly buying a plane ticket to come see me. I was fine with that too and expected nothing except for us to have fun since I smoke and drink as much as she does. I already knew she was dating someone, or more accurately, riding the carousel. She's 35 and I am 45. Everything was going fine during her visit and on her last night she asked if I wanted to sleep with her. I said sure, obviously. But Sandman, I screwed up. It was all too good and I actually asked her if she wanted to try being together, even offering to move to be with her. My red-pill had somehow dissolved. She made me miss being with someone. She told me flat-out that we couldn't be together so at least I knew where I stood, that was that, or so I thought. After she left I couldn't get her out of my head and worse yet we are still friends so I get to go back to being her emotional tampon. This is fine but I have been upping my dose of MGTOW content, especially yours, and it truly helps. I'm pretty sure I know now the truth of why she lost her friends and have my suspicions about her divorce outside of the story she told me. I try not to contact her instead allowing her to initiate contact. She has a career, a home and apparently no shortage of f bois. Within a couple of months that boyfriend she had was with was no more. Just a couple of days ago she was texting me about another dude she has to see at work, i. e. , she's slept with. It was hurting her and I was "the only one who would listen. "I truly wish she had never visited me as the friendship would have been preserved, but now I'm annoyed as she's pulling at my heart strings and I'm letting it happen. I feel beta As F! Is this a case of MGTOW relapse? I am doing much better and moving forward, but when that text inevitably comes I don't want to respond and I think eventually I won't. It's like I'm asking for it and it pisses me off. I have an idea of what your take on this will be. Anyways, thanks for all you do." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and the topic but before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

9 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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SALVATOR 5 years ago

Nice vid sandman

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

Why... be friends with a woman ? they bring NOTHING to the table, besides the pussy, if you get that.

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PennyMgtow 5 years ago

Nothing wrong with friendship

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UnwillingVillian 5 years ago

@PennyMgtow: If it is truly friendship & not "friendship" with the intent of going #metoo. Being friends with a woman requires just as much trust as dating one. Good luck finding a woman who can be trusted that much.

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DonQuixote 5 years ago

Sandman Just opened an account here I like the layout and interface on this sight. Keep up the fight.

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ancientsea 5 years ago

Many years ago a gal made mention of how important friends were for females. The girl told me that females dislike other females who are sexually, 'loose''. She went further to indicate, to me, that when sizing up a girl that I should be careful to make sure she has many friends...not just one co-pilot. While listening to today s content I was reminded of that old conversation. Though the times have changed, I am tempted to suspect that people have not changed. A gal with no female friends should be considered a gal draped with a ''red flag''.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

yes! and many of those gals , diguise that as just saying that they " always liked spending time with boys more than girls"

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ancientsea 5 years ago

@AntiCuck1982: Very good...That is EXACTLY what they do to ''mask'' this flaw. It is usually presented by the girl as some sort of feigned disgust with other female's chattiness or supra-fragility.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

sling back....... her life collapses, she reverts to known past relationships...... she uses you as an emotional tampon .... DITCH HER AND NEVER CONTACT AGAIN....... she is looking for familiar , all at YOUR cost

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