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She was in Shock as 3 Guys Just Watched Her Get Robbed

Published on 01 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs
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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

No. The Roman technogy and aristocratic records written in Greek were preserved in Turkey or the Byzantine Empire...

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

Yes and no. It was Feminism which brought it out into the open, but "Western Society's women" had hated men for over three eons when in Judahism (and later into Christianity and Islam because Abrahamic religion or patriarchy) post Exodus like 200 years so I"m estimating about 1,300 BC, the Tree of Life Ashereh lost her prominence and her priestesses and followers shamed and denigrated have hated men since that. Some merged with Phoenician or Canaanite Cult worship of Witch goddess Ashtorath... so, there' s that. The Holy Spirit revealed it to me. We know in Egypt both Lilith and Ashereh were known and for Ashereh worshipped and for Lilith via amulets and the Lullaby or Lilith Abey... "Lilith go away" protection... via spells or amulets. These are in Egypt pre Exodus (c. 1,500 BC under Pharaoh Ahmose I in Avaris.

So, Angry, you kind of correct...

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sauger1001 6 months ago

I wonder how many suckers er, I mean people, realize Ashtoreth is today's Easter? My guess is most (99%) don't even care or bother to check. The Adversary is cunning that way. A lot of 'veils' will be lifted soon enough. JMO.

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

@sauger1001: Easter is actually zthe Dark Love goddess Istar, also pronounced Easter... and if I am not mistaken has linksbor epitaphs (ancient stone carved memes) of rabbits and eggs, ie for symbols of fertility... Ashtorath from what I understand took Ashereh's Ashereh poles and is identified as Greek Hecate Dark moon witch goddess...

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