
Published on 01 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

dollar genral she boone

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Shrike777 2 months ago

She fucking well knows why.
You get what you fucking deserve.

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Toki 2 months ago

Yeah but it's also a waste of time stealing my personal time when trying to get groceries as a paying customer. If DG loses money due to theft I don't not care. They keep raising shelf prices on everyone so F em. The workers at DG get minimum wage while the squatters in management get paid outrageous wages to do nothing as well. Encouraging people to steal instead of work because of low wages for everyone except the management overlords. Because the management folks and Gov steal from all of us. A little food item theft at DG is nothing compared to daily taxes for example. Or the management in my workplace who sit down and play video games while the adults like me do the real work for customers. Going along with the diversity agenda these companies hiring women everywhere as well. So F em. I just wish the retail thieves would go to the management overlord's neighborhood and steal directly from them. Non the stores they claim ownership over.

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