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Shooter's classmate EXPOSES the media lies about Crooks!!!!!

Published on 18 Jul 2024 / In News & Politics

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

It's the Legt, tney just projecting or confessing that "their rivals are doing" yeah, their rivals not them... We have a word for that....BULLSHIT!

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

I'm liking this Hernandez chick... but why wasn't Rachel Madcow there?

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Trump fights back against SS to raise fist! Why is anybody listening to the Lame Stream media liars...

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KEEPER 2 months ago

i don't think anyone has the full truth, sometimes you have to go with what you believe from the subject matter, most ppl are sadly main stream media morons who believe everything, for my self i would like to believe that there is a connection between these things and some of that we have seen, now i don't claim to have the full truth, i seek it out, and i know the main stream are full of shit most of the time, there might be that 1% chance they are right on something, but 99% of the time they are trying to spin the situation into something that it's clearly not, this is why every lefty libtard is falling for the fake assassination nonsense, they are trying to get you to not believe your eyes or to investigate further, i never think like that, i'm always coming up with theories based on the evidence i have seen, but i'm almost never in the know of what is definitive, shit like this requires a in-depth investigation, i'm a man who wants justice to be served, i find myself thinking of revenge more often now than ever before, i try not to give in but man it's damn near impossible not to lash out, i have a theory i'm thinking of uploading a video, it's not directly related to this video but it's related to revelations of the Bible in regards to the mark of the beast, but i'm no good at these things, so it will just be an off the cuff kind of sound video of me speaking on this stuff. it is related and you might get mad at me for what i have to say, but there is a reason behind it, and it mostly has to do with justice, i want justice more than anything right now, i want these people to be put in the ground because i'm sick of them all, not very Christian of me to say or admit, but i haven't gone to church in many years, i don't think i can be that person, because it's been too blatant and in our faces to ignore anymore, i hate these people i cannot turn the other cheek.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: So, you're not passive. Neither was Chtist, He tossed up all the money exchangers' tables in the House of the Lord, er Jewish Temple. Though, Christ for sure knew the follower's body is the Teme of the Lord... Yeah, Lust and Wrath have their hooks on me too... I know more about Revelations than I want to, but I think the Gods are calling me to become an Agent of Revelations. I also think the Goddess the Tree of Life Ashereh wants me to rekindle the Sacred Feminine with the Divine Masculine at some point, but let's face it: The pussy today is not worth saving... as for pisding people off, the Sign of the Beast is technogical. The two places in our bodies to put chips to not interfere are on the temple (brain cage) and the notch by our thumbs... which God El described over three eons ago...

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: basically what i have to say in regards to the mark of the beast system isn't against it entirely, because the potential of a system like that could potentially prevent all crime and catch those who do crimes, like the old days of how law and order worked when they would display public hangings or chopping heads off for all to see if they ever fucked with the law or anyone innocent, they did this as a representation for those who thought they could just get away with it, but this was not only for that, but also for justice. it made people behave, and the mark of the beast suddenly doesn't sound all that bad because the potential to prevent and catch crime before it happens, like that movie minority report, but i also understand that such a system is tyrannical and it would depend on who's running the country with such a piece of tech, so it might be right in the hands of a good leader, but when it's time for the next leader, who might be a bad guy will end up using it for his own evil desires and turn it into a system of tyrants.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

my idea of using this tech is to prevent stealing of elections and to prevent crime, but the bible does often explain that it will also be used to enslave us, so i'm partially against it, because my reasons are not to enslave people, it's to give justice to people, it's to prevent crime and suffering. but i suppose it's the same thing behind every invention that is created by man, everything we use can be used for good or evil.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: it's like the whole thing with guns, if the gun is in the hands of the good guys it's a good thing, but if it's in the hands of the bad guys it's suddenly bad. it depends on who's controlling that system.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: Just look at China's rather the CCP's social credit score: You do what they don't like say play 30 hours of video games a week, they cut you off at using Uber or Door Dash. What crime was committed? You stop going on dates because the 304s are well trash, they punish you. You are given the allusion of "crime free" but the crimes of tyranny are committed against you...

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KEEPER 2 months ago

but i also worry about the other possibilities of the use of AI, because people can't be fully trusted so the next move i could realistically see is people putting their faith in a machine or AI, which might be along the lines what Satan actually is in the end, or some bastardized version of him, the scriptures say he can't really fully posse's a person and control them with full control, but he can manipulate people, but inside of a Robot or perhaps an AI, i could see that possibly becoming something he could posess for himself.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: anyway idk if i will be doing that video, but it has to do with my theory that the right or the republican party will vote for a device like this in order to prevent voter fraud, but they won't think of all the issues of where this tech could go wrong, like i said, it does have some good traits to it, but it also has some really shitty ones to it and that china example is one of the many reasons why i should be against it, but the thing is lets say people reject it, and the left cheats in another election again and they implement it in anyway? this sounds more like it will happen regardless given our level of technology at the moment.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

suddenly i'm thinking we need a solar flair from the sun to destroy everything we use.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

no more technology no more advancement no more video games lol, just live as the Amish lol.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: True, but let me tell you a secret: We are humanity: We exists in dualities; that allows pur complexities. What is goid? What is evil, aside from being "Eve like?" We are physical beings but we are spiritual. Duality 1. We are capable of both good and evil. Duality 2. We are male or female, but only naturally on occassion both... to a point, XXY genome. Tits with a dick, Y chromosomal ignorance by the genes, but never pussy and vagina at the same time. There was a theory in the 90s that angels were... The whole good or evil is from perspective: Good for whom? Before our "Consciousness" when Adam and Eve "ate" the apple, there was God El's will, but then their was ours. My dad's generation thought the Forbidden Fruit was Adam popping Eve's cherry... I mean they did roam around naked all the time. However, from The Alphabet of Ben Suri, we learn Adam and Lilith were fucking like rabbits. Pride destroyed us humanity: One day, Lilith goes to Adam and says, "Hey, we were created at the same time,. We are equal. I want to be on top some of the time." Remember they walked everywhere no riding asses or horses. Adam said no. Lilith was like fuck you I'm out. God El said Lilith don't go, and then later come back. She said no. He sent three angels to retrieve her. She regused to come back. Adam upon not getting his peepee wet sat intona depression a melancholy (This is why he was depressed in the Bible Genesis 2.) God put his asleep (anesthesia), open him up therein (incision), retrieve stem cells from his rib, which while you are young produces blood cells, and closed him up within (sutured.) I believe the story was changed to rib because they did not have the concept of cells let alone stem cells. It is clearly written. Eve was cloned from his stem cells. Now, the question I posed...qho was Lilith and Eve based upon? It is understood all the angels and God El were men or masculine. I believe the Tree of Life we humanity was denied access to was in fact the Sacred Feminine Ashereh the Wife or Consort of God El, especially during the Age of Taurus with their Fertility Rites, ie orgies or sacred sex celebrating the coming together of the sex duality. This lasted until Age of Aries the Ram which is the Biblical Age of Laws, Moses' Law, ie Exodus. Then Christ comes at the Age of Pisces, the Age of Salvation, and when we enter into Age of Aquarius, the Pagan Enlightenment marked by "feminine energies" and supposedly widespread decentralized productivity, ie No Globohomo Jewish Cathedral and Age of Revelations beginning in the mid 2040s...This is why everything is happening: The Cathedral wants to keep its power. They tried dubverting femininsm to usurp the coming "female energies" which I think might be some cosmic low level radiation.

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: wow, what bible did you read that contains all that? that's nuts, but it does often feel some things were left out of the version i read, i read the king james version, i was told we go by that one because it was the closest version to the full truth, now it's been a while but i don't remember anything about lilith, i just remember only god, or eloheme, then Adam and Eve and then satian, maybe some angels involved, but i can't remember any mention of this Lilith character, i heard of people speak of her through other religions and i always thought she was either made up in a new version of the bible or possibly forgotten because mentioning of her was taken out of the scripture for whatever reason, and the whole idea of the cloning of Eve from Adam, the scriptures do mention that god took a piece of his rib to make her, but i don't remember any mention of cells in the scripture i read. it's been a while since i read, these days i mostly focus on revelations and what to do when some of these revelation's take place.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: There was a rumor of time traveling tbrough the CIA. One of these experiments involved a guy going into our future but then right back. He said... have you seen that MoonRise movie where the moon is on a collision course with earth? Something like that which wipes out the vast amount of humanity and our planet. The survivors were living in a Logan 's Run stylized city (if you thought our 15 min prisons were bad!?) ran by an AI whose initials when sounded out was Lucifer. This is not the only "time travel experiment."

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: I think there will be a solar flare soon, but I also think the Demoncrats are on thin ice: They try something like cheating again, it might be Civil War what they want, but I suspect a limited upri s ing and these puppet politiciabs being executed and the Federal agencies greatly reduced or disbanded...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: I think there will be a solar flare soon, but I also think the Demoncrats are on thin ice: They try something like cheating again, it might be Civil War what they want, but I suspect a limited upri s ing and these puppet politiciabs being executed and the Federal agencies greatly reduced or disbanded...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: I think there will be a solar flare soon, but I also think the Demoncrats are on thin ice: They try something like cheating again, it might be Civil War what they want, but I suspect a limited upri s ing and these puppet politiciabs being executed and the Federal agencies greatly reduced or disbanded...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: Lilith is in the Bible, but she has been sidelined. The last Bible I read was the Newer King James; I didn't like how they spelled Noah as Noe, but the Alphabet of Ben Suri was out of Egypt when the Israelites were there, they are carved into the walls as Amoa and sometimes Amoa Israel (Natio of Israel). They also referred to them as Abiru or Habiru, which is just them localizing Hebrew from Eber, whom they derived the H is long E. The El lohim from a nun who did research, which I believed was led by the Holy Spirit, A History of God, Karen Armstrong. The Ashereh and Tree of Life is mentioned but that comes from direct archaeological evidence in Israel from William Dever's Did God Have a Wife? I found her depiction in Egypt when The Jews were there in the regions they were at and to top it off David Rohl even reads House of David off the Ramses victory billboard basically... and he translated the "Red Sea parted" literally large body of water cutted... in Egypt from a stele. The Lame Stream fucks are literally lying to us for over two hundred years likely two thousand years...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: Fuck... I think I typed pussy with vagina... it was supposed to be dick with pussy...

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: lol

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Jesus, talk about a broken record? WTF?

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KEEPER 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: it's ok, we all make these mistakes.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@KEEPER: no. I think I uploaded it when it was backing up!?

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