Should I Find My Father? | Live From The Lair
A young viewer asks Popp if he should seek out his estranged father after years of hearing negative stories about him.
#TerrencePopp #HelpingMen #Fatherless
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Thanks for the video Sgt Popp. Have you ever thought of writing a book on 'English Cuisine'.....
SOP for single moms is often to move away or otherwise make joint custody nearly impossible then paint the father as an abusive/cheater/deadbeat so the kids don't want a relationship.
My neighbor paid the mother of his children plenty of money only to have his son show up in only a hoodie in the middle of winter.
Son why don't you have your coat?
mom's said it's your Dad's fault he doesn't pay enough so you can't have a winter coat hat gloves.
It angered my neighbor so that he told his son exactly how much he paid his mother monthly.
He said every month he paid the mother for all of his expenses so when he went back to mom's house she was to take him shopping at the name brand store and get him everything he ever wanted to wear to school.
Otherwise he would take her to court for child abuse and neglect via stealing money from her son & not providing him warm clothing.
Yhat weekend he got to borrow one of dad's coats.
My EX-W upset asked my son why he still wanted to visit my house after the seperation.
Son said well I get to see Dad we have fun plus I get to visit dad's dog.
She immediately poisoned my dog and then told our son "now that dad no longer has a dog you still don't want to go visit him do you?
Mom told him about it before I even mentioned it as they were living in a different household.