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Should I Get My PhD in Economics?

Published on 28 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation
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Toki 11 months ago

If you want to be an exploitative communist like a president then yes. Or be a man and find a man's role. Economics is women planning a marriage/divorce/alimony/child support. Good people don't worry about chasing Greed and Sloth of economics. It's all the Gov's Monopoly money and taxed anyways. A rigged game where we all lose anyways. People who "work in economics" are part of the inflation problem. Because they aren't working at all. You're on welfare expecting to get paid for playing with completely fictional constructs of paper and coin wealth. Or Bitcoin, Dogecoin. It's not real. Men's labor and intelligence is the real form of wealth. Not the Fed's reserve notes or 1's and 0's on a computer screen. That's all submissive cuck shit designed to benefit the ruling class. Migrants for example do not care about how much wealth you have. They will steal from you either way. Economics created the over-population and migrant problem. Honest economics = Only 1% of people can honestly afford reproduction. Or a smartphone.

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