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Published on 28 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

Listening to these, our countryfolk with integrity, awoke a sense of pride in being Kiwi I haven't felt for too long. Shining light in the darkness where so much information was hidden. Heartfelt thanks to everyone that has held their tu, kei hea to tu?

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sbseed 2 years ago

how do you create medications for something (disease/illness) that does not exist?!...

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sbseed 2 years ago

the information about 'the covid' is all false, they are avoiding talking about the obvious...
they are purposely avoiding talking about why 'the covid' cannot be isolated or that no viable sample exists in the world, not to mention the fact that somehow the flu and other diseases suddenly disappeared, when the "normal" death rates for every year cycle was all contributed to 'the covid' instead of what they actually where... so how can we trust anything these 'experts' say when they are part of the cover-up and only telling small partial truths.

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sbseed 2 years ago

lol, the laptop used to belong to a gamer, HAHHAHA!!!!
wonder if it was her sons...

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sbseed 2 years ago

democracy = one step down from complete enslavement...
it is not possible to have real freedoms in a democracy or when you have a king/queen type gov. on any level.

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sbseed 2 years ago

if you think a parliament is what governs a nation, you have another think coming...
these fools have not realized that they have WILLINGLY given up any rights that they could have had a LONG TIME AGO, because they where all fine with giving up their guns and means of fighting back against ANY opposition whether it is gov. or terrorists (but i repeat myself)...

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