Somebody PLEASE tell me that men do not spend money on these THOT's and waste their whole day watching this inane, stupid, pointless, meaningless videos. We are so doomed!!!
i'm sorry, but that's what the sad truth is. however it opens up an unique opportunity into red pilling men and getting rich off of these simps if done correctly lol.
the example is catfishing for money, using random picks that women post online all the time. and simply ask for money and say you are broke and need a new something... it doesn't really matter what the thing is, just list something of high value and simps will send the money without even knowing the women other than a picture and the promise of something for an reward, but you don't ever give anything back. just find a pick of some random thot on google images and do this and see what happens.
yeah lol. but this is what the average simp does. this is my favorite character of "it'sagundam" on youtube, he's soon to be banned by youtube, but it's hard to judge on when it's going to take place. i thought he would be banned months ago because of youtubes purge.
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had to watch because it is so absurd.
Somebody PLEASE tell me that men do not spend money on these THOT's and waste their whole day watching this inane, stupid, pointless, meaningless videos. We are so doomed!!!
That's kind of disturbing.