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Single Men Require Supervision - MGTOW

Published on 28 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Juan and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, first I want to thank you for the good fight you doing for all of us, for freeing us from our own demise (slavery mindset). If you can talk about a topic related to me having been a Godfather. For I was once a Godfather of 4 children 3 girls and 1 boy. Then I walked away from all responsibilities due to being used as an ATM. I was only invited to birthday parties , Christmas and when there was a mechanical failure on cars and barbecues. I'm an American-Mexican and that's how you suppose to say it but hey who cares. So being a Godfather is a among a true honor where you're supposed to provide the children with wisdom, joy and of course allowances once in awhile. But due to this MGTOW awakening (thank you of course) I now realize I have never was truely honored with that responsibility. I would constantly ask if I could take my god children hiking, bowling, to historical arcade rooms, shooting ranges etc, where kids are allow to be educated about guns. There were also road trips, water parks and so on. But they told me no if I were to do it alone. So when I went to visit each family to see my Godchildren I felt like I was under supervision there too because I'm a single man with no wahman and they kept insisting that I just keep dating lol. In my mind I was laughing my heiny off but then I finally got the hint. The translation is that if you don't have a wahman by your side you won't be able to hangout with them alone [maybe you should call this video dirty minds on account of my relatives]. So I tested my theory with other Godchildren and guess what they did let them go to the movies under one condition that my ex significant other would go too. I agreed. So when I can asked my significant other about all this she said you need to try and understand that you're a single man. So f it i decided to walk away from all the responsibilities that I'm not rewarded for. 1 and half years later I'm enjoying my life's journey posting pictures online just a bit so they could see what a single man is capable of, Trips across North America, building some investments for retirement and so much. So time went by and my sister asked me in front of the family (shocking right) would you like to be my unborn child's Godfather? I looked her right in the eye and said no I'm good and then proceeded to keep eating my tacos. When everyone left my other sister ask me why I did that, telling her no? She said that when someone asks you to be a Godfather you can't say no. I got furious and asked then why bother asking? My sister said I need to be courteously. Well I courteously said no. So brother use this donation for your videos if not use it for any topics of your choice." Well Juan thanks for the donation and most interesting topic. I'll get to it in a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

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HarshReality 5 years ago

My ex had the nerve to be friends with me.

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Dclaytonius 5 years ago

Thank you Sandman. You have led me to both the Brave browser and! It was nice hearing you freestyle on "Red Pill Giants". No avatar yet, as I just got here, watched your vid and here I am. Keep up the good work. I've been going my own way since 2010 without even knowing there was a term for it. Funny, I wasn't looking for Mgtow content, yet, it was yours and Undead Chronic's thumbnails that caught my attention. Now, I take daily dose.

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wanderer9641 5 years ago

Not only are you not supervised, you are also not paying to be supervised.

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MGTOWdotCASH 5 years ago

The MGTOW Token Faucet group on Telegram now has over 160 members in less than a week. Amazingly about half of them are women. I don't get it.

Faucet Information
Active: Yes
Token ID: c1c5ad7c3d3871e4d584ea1e8cf8c4354a48c6cd374c78a80881b7ad635e6a21
Claim Amount: 1 MGTOW
Wait Time: an hour
Total Claims: 1461
Created By: MGTOWdotCASH

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UnwillingVillian 5 years ago

I believe the title of this video explains why half of them are women.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

they shouldn't allow women ... men need to have space. And i bet most of those men in that group are simping their asses off.

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