
Single Mom Cries Over Ex Getting Re-married, Max Cope!

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gepubliceerd op 28 Aug 2024 / In vermaak

Hilarious. This woman claims not to care about dating, or men, yet when her ex gets remarried she cries like the big giant baby that she really is. Wah wah wah, me, me, me. LOL!


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BioWeapanSurvivor 7 maanden geleden

WoW, where to begin. Lets start with the value of a persons word. This woman broke her vow before God, the highest authority in creation. So if this females word has no value, in turn she, it, they have no value because their word has no value. This thing now becomes a commodity to be used (three holes no waiting at what the local market can bear) because this female's word has no value. To be influenced by some low life like Taylor Swift, show that this female has the depth of a back head or zit, skin deep only. This female sold out her heritage, her linage, her power and fell in line with this feminist Zionist bull shit that has for decades been feeding off the destruction of the middle class in the European and Western world. This bimbos power was in her family and she listened to female harlot frenemies instead having a will, any depth or perspective to understand that she was just following the whistle sack blown out herd of other 3 holes no waiting at the market price Eve's that have destroyed their own futures, linage and power. The real victims of this shallow bimbo are the children the corrupt Juwish legal system has put her in charge of.. These kids will have eight strikes against them. They will be more likely be put in for profit jails, or be feed into endless wars started by Zionist Masters as cannon fodder to prolong the inevitable truth that the covenant with God was broken with these stiff neck animals. Miss you have been had, you have no depth and your value is now what you make of it because no man (except a pimp or beta male) will willing have any thing to do with you. How does it feel to not be able to pay your bills because these Zionist have inflated the money supply, How does it feel to know that they did the same thing in every Nation that unknowingly let these Rats in. After WWI the German People found out who these animals where when they inflated their monetary power so many, many, many Germans starved to death while these animals were throwing food away. You stupid shallow left over women have no common sense, value and IMPO are now just commodities created by those you unwittingly followed. May i suggest you get your self a good Pimp and learn to enjoy the S ing and F ing. Because you did this to yourself, YOUR WORD IS NO GOOD.

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 7 maanden geleden

I agree. Peoples word is everything. Even the smallest thing, if a person doesn't keep their word I'm outta there. Why is it these days that people take their word so lightly? I don't get it.

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BioWeapanSurvivor 7 maanden geleden

@The Realist Philosopher: Poor education controlled by Zionest ment to keep those they call cattle controled, enslaved and or elimiated. A corrupted higher education system ment to destroy the very fiber of the hoast Nation they have infected untill its death and destruction. Women are weak minded emotional fools on average. The creation of for profit religios organization ment to bleed and shear the flock at 10% weekly of they blood sweat and tear while these con men and women push emotions on the flock to continue to get rich with out works such as feeding the hungery, providing shelter for the weak etc.. I have died now six times, walke hell five times without fear and lade in Heaven weeping. God is coming to separate the wheat fro m the shaf.

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