Single Moms Are HURT That Men Have Learnt To AVOID Them In 2024. Single Women TikToks
Published on 29 Jul 2024 / In
In this TikTok commentary reaction video: Single Moms Are HURT That Men Have Learnt To AVOID Them In 2024. Single Women TikToks. ReplicantPhish, modern dating and dating advice.
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What these cuntz fail to mention, more than likely they picked shitty and/or left the dad.
Cope and seethe bitches.
Give it a couple more years of suffering, and women will finally realize the real value men bring to a relationship (unless they're feminist of course). Men have low needs for themselves, women have very high needs. Maybe then they will know what previous generations already did, and feminism gaslighted them about.
Depserate women? More like Despot...
Wait? What? She went to therapy and he gave it to her hard? Did he fuck the shit out of her getting her internal piping to flush itself out?! Damn... I chose the wrong careers?!
Wahl! Pioneer women in the fly over states managed to raise five to twelve kids by themselves once their husbands died... on their farms and hunting, ranted nine year olds could manage the farms and hunt on their own if needed... unlike the Soyboys today.