Single MOTHERS Have DESTROYED Our Culture
Published on 22 Nov 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Single mothers and women in general are destroying pour Culrtures, not just MEN's culture but their own fefail culture, because when you put STUPID and selfish in charge it ain't gonna end good! lol!
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The majority of females are physically unable to be honest about females. Can't admit when they're wrong or defeated. They will always push the feel good fantasy lies, because they simply can't handle the reality they've created. Like the children they are, they don't realize when they've pushed too far, until the punishment comes.
Short version: One can deny reality, one can not deny the consequences of reality.
Shorter version: FAFO
Single mothers are nothing but a filthy malignant cancer that have totally destroyed the west, fuck those cunts...let them burn in the fire they lit!
widows MIGHT be the exception, but today there's a fair chance they murdered their husband, so not even them imo