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Skanks & Soy Boys Are Our Future - MGTOW

Published on 07 Mar 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Scars Arena and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I am reading the book how not to become a millennial and got me thinking what your thoughts about the generation x, millennials, and generation z are going to play out in the upcoming years. Now Gen Xers are 41 to 55 years old, and Millennials are soon to be taking all of there leadership positions in the work force. The gen x traits such as strength of character, discipline, strong mindedness, thick skin to sarcasm & SOH will soon be gone. The rise of feminism, wokeism and this huge population pussification of soyboys and influencers is powering on. I am not going to put myself in these environments if I have a choice. So finding a place to live where the social credit score & feminism will not be so welcome as you say Africa and some parts of Latin America is what alot of free men will be considering. The Russians and Mexicans seem to be some of the last standing cultures to hold onto keeping Men as men more than others. I’m aware the phone has infected every corner of the globe and soon enough every mind. So this cancer cancel woke Feminist culture is inescapable. I'd rather live a shorter great life in a wild place where then fight to keep some old school values alive, than try for survival in the upcoming catastrophe most countries have now become. Who will help restore testosterone, strength of character and strong minds again? Hard times create strong men. Strong men good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men hard times. So, we are now in the weak men entering hard times phase. I can’t see Millennials or Generation Z creating strong men so this cycle will most likely stop." Well Scars thanks for the donation and topic. I'm glad that you've accepted that there is no way to escape the coming political situation and that the only way out is to leave to a place that's too dangerous and difficult place to get to if you're a woman. I would also be wary of Mexico because their parliament is majority female. So I wouldn't be so sure even though they are trying to get rid of feminists. The feminists are fighting and will probably win in 20 or 30 years like they will in most of the world. Russia seems to be holding on better because in 2014 12-13% of their elected officians were female and today that number stands at 17%. It's going up just like everywhere but it's going up slower there. Russia is more of an Oligarchy and not necessarily a democracy. But the Russians are moving slowly towards a feminine democracy too. It might take forty years but it will probably happen at some point. They are behind the west but will catch up at some point. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor T Fitz:

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TheLibertarianRebel 3 years ago

Boomer here, I have 2 Gen X Daughters. 2 Grand Sons sans Soy and 4 Grand Daughters I fear for their future!

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

Sandman hits the nil on the head here. I'd add that Boomers should have stepped aside to let Gen X assume power around the early 2000s as technology was advancing and the landscape was changing to a more online-centric one. We are unique because the advances that were made were made as we grew, it wasn't just there already as it was with those that came after, and it wasn't some confusing new frontier as it was for those that came before.

Tyler Durden's speech seemed aimed squarely at Gen X, the 'middle child' generation. We're not totally plugged in and we aren't averse to change. We might not have stopped this, but we could have been better equipped to handle the disparities and do what was right for the good of our civilization instead of the good of ourselves.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

hey sandman, SKANK LIVES MATTER!
ha ha....

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zdoctor 3 years ago

its amazing how whaman think they have more value then the fecal matter in my cesspool.........AVOID ANY WHAMAN AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE......no dates.....no paying for phone bills.....no paying for vacations...gifts....nail and hair. ...BUY YOURSELF A NEW CAR OR MAYBE A HOUSE......retire early. ...WAHTEVER YOU DO AVOID WHAMAN AT ALL COSTS.

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

Hey Sandman. Tomorrow is International Woman's Day. That can be the next topic.

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