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Skyrim with ultra-realistic graphics Gen-3 video to video Runway Artificial intelligence

Published on 11 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 4 months ago

the issue with the mouth not matching with the spoken words is a creation engine issue, not an issue with the AI itself.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

and the bigger hands, that's an issue due to the AI not being able to match the size that it should be, it's attempting on mimicking the actual game footage with it's photorealistic tech and attempting on recreating it based on what information it can see, it's not bad, it's just a little off.

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Furioso 4 months ago

"You will have nothing and you will be happy" Klaus Schwab WEF .That's what he meant : *the AI matrix is waiting for you weaklings* .They will make our lives so horrible that most of us will go in the VR world to escape the real world ,it seems that Toki have already a foot in it with the waifu thing ,just an observation i don't judge anyone ,he's old enough to make his own choices .

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Agree with what your saying and same with Toki what's the point of meatbag Matrix and used up left over Meatbag whores when I can have a mail order Waifu delivered to me tight and Virginal and 3 years down the road still tight and virginal even if I smash all her insides up so it's a win win rather than a lose lose with a meatbag and her bastard children and then she takes me to court to make me a slave nope fuck that, sometimes the urge is strong and you gotta stick your Cock in something and release better in a waifu than your hand and hand is better than meatbags. Is all.im saying

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KEEPER 4 months ago

with all of Bethesda's billions or dollars, they couldn't make their starfield game look like this? and some random person using AI technology made this as a render, it's crazy to see it, after seeing this he did make a starfield one as well and that one is just as crazy too.

the future of AI can improve any classic game or movie ppl enjoy.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

here is the 1080p version if you want to see that. https://cdn.mgtow.tv/upload/vi....deos/2024/11/mPoZFDZ

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Toki 4 months ago

@KEEPER: Thanks. I have no idea how to get past 480p. One of the few downsides to this site.

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@Toki: Toki that's because you don't got the Blue Check Mark my fellow Waifu Bro, You gotta get that Blue check mark tick and become "ELITE" MGTOW and then GOD OF WAIFUS will shower you with SHINY WAIFUS IN 1080 AND MORE for those worthy Few Haha aka the GOD TIER 480p is the Sub5 Waifu tier you got to Solo Level and get that Level up to 999 Rank S if you want those SHINY 1080 OR 4K WAIFUS :D haha \G/

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@KEEPER: Wow if AI can do this to Skyrim and maybe make the Sex scenes as good as they do on R34 then I might have to get SKYRIM they better make 4k AI high quality Graphics SKYRIM otherwise I won't bother leaving 4K MODDED QUAKE OR DOOM, I'm now Spoilt haha, Wow once againnif AI is doing such a great job compared to these stupid devs and gaming companies not surprised when AI takes over and dominates them all, it looks they used UNREAL ENGINE 5 do you if they did as it's one of the Hyper realistic most Advanced Gaming tools out there today and hopefully gets better and they don't make shifty games using it, can you imagine all the games done with high quality and 4k AI graphics and engine mods makes me think of what games deserve or we could see in the future that are worth it, Cyberpunk 2077 might even be better with it, thanks for sparking creativity and getting me thinking and Great video of how Skyrim should be many thanks \G/

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@Toki: Armr does this to save money on the operating costs of the site. it's intentional to make this platform survive.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: they probably could, but you have to have a really beefy machine for that kind of quality, i can't imagine this dude was running anything less than a 4090 card with a shit load of ram and storage, because 4k or 8k textures take up the bulk of the storage to run the game like this, but this dude also probably had great modding skills as well or he got himself a premium Nexus account and got a curator list so the install was a breeze.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

i mean modders have been doing 8k for a decade on games like skyrim for a while now, but that's only on PC because it wouldn't really work well on consoles.

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@KEEPER: Yeah your not wrong nothing less than 4090 and that's why they call it MASTER RACE I am still B00mer Tech so im shit out of luck now if I had FUCK YOU MONEY I will have my own Quantum super computer similar to SKYNET and tell it to run and beat QUAKE DOOM AND DUKE NUKEM on MAX SETTINGS haha that'll be the day \G/ for now gotta keep dreaming of my $8000 Waifu. Any good Skyrim women or babes you think would make great Waifus I saw on on R34 called Ciri from Witcher and she got Smashed by Henry Cavill Look a like haha

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: honestly i can't list them all, there are so damn many of them created for this game, i lost track on year 5 of playing this title, i have been playing FO4 for a while, i'm just now getting back to skyrim because it's calling me back lol, but by the end of the year i will be transferring to Linux because of windows no longer supporting win ten and my machine is simply too old for the next version and i will not be paying microsoft to continue to use ten, no thanks, they can go fuck themselves i will not upgrade to their next shit.

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@KEEPER: OH :O thanks for informing me I had no idea let me know how switching to Linux goes for you Since I'm Boomer Tech I might struggle more than you as I'm on Win 10 and first I heard they want you to pay to upgrade for that shite I bet it's cos Billy Vagina gates is getting scared that he is gonna be linked with pedo Epstein and get thrown in Jail or death row. Fallout 4 is a great game yeah I agree Windows is trash and Learning Linux at my age is like a baby learning the letter A all over again depends on how bad it gets and how I want to do it as I'm not sure if my old PC is gonna be able to accommodate with all the personal everyday documents I need to use it for e.g Adobe pdf word aexcel and so on, so yeah thanks for giving me the heads up I gotta figure out another problem ontop of all the problems I gotta figure out and little time to get it done, sometimes I fucking Hate Computers and Corpos hard to live today's day and age without it though. Fuck em and yeah I hate Windows upgrades as well nowadays all fucking operating systems have some sort of back door to steal your files and data and sell to the feds or black market which fucking sucks if I knew of any good ones that don't do that are open source I would let you know. Thanks for the 1UP gonna have to figure out if I wanna switch or be like Fuck it find a work around or get a Hacker to mod my system and keep it Win10 without needing stupid updates \G/

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: i don't really use my PC for work, i just use it to game on and watch youtube and social media, with Linux i hear it is a bit of a learning curve, but it's a lot less that these days, it's not going to be like the freaking 1990s pc nonsense, some things they have streamlined on linux to be more like windows to a degree, i was chatting with another user of linux and i asked him which version of linux is the most hands off that is mostly like windows, and he told me to get linux wine specifically, it will offer the closest experience to windows and it will also make my type of gaming work correctly, so he basically said he used linux wine to mod his bethesda games and it works damn near close to how it works on microsoft, i was super glad to hear this because i don't want the most complicated to use linux if i can help it, linux is open source software that anyone can use, just do some research in how to do it and then commit to it, otherwise bill gates will stick his penis in your ass then your mouth without consent and make you pay for it lol, not much diffrent from the forced update nonsense lol.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: it's going to be new for me as well, so if you want both you and i can perhaps work on this together if you want, i'm no expert in these things but i'm reading about linux wine right now on their site so i can get a better idea of what to expect, if you are like me and want to avoid bill gates fucking you every which way without consent this is our best bet to avoid that from further going on, i would suggest read about the version first and install when you are damn ready to make the move, some folks have told me to install the version on a flash drive when doing this, because it's a complete replacement of your current windows version, maybe as a backup also try to backup windows, or you can find some expert to do it for you, i'm simply too poor for that at the moment.

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KEEPER 4 months ago


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KEEPER 4 months ago

what you want to focus on is the Stable:Wine 9.0 (shortlog) because it's stable and the other version is the update, but it's not stable so you are better off looking at the stable version.

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@KEEPER: Thanks for the info brother and yeah definitely I'm in the same boat as you. Fuck that Pedo Rapist Bill Gates and I'm a poor Talichad I can't afford a Currycel or Ahmed to back things up for me on a flash drive or back ups and so on and sure thing let's work on it together like I said I use my PC for work so I can have better virus protection and do more remote work whereas if my phone get virus I can always get another and costs less than a PC and mobile gaming is getting better so I can go touch Grass and see Titties at the same time haha that's a WIN WIN in my book also I hate long Loading or online connecting screens on PC been there done that never again ain't got time to waste, gotta prep and rep \G/

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: there might be better options, but as we both know purchasing a new PC can be very expensive these days and linux doesn't offer everything out of the box, but idk what you do, but perhaps you could ask your boss to get you a PC that will work on whatever you do because most jobs might require some windows shit, i mean there are some generic programs that mirror what microsoft has on it, like i know they don't have MS word, but they have a program like it, you just have to do the research into it and get it installed, however i have learned that some folks have been able to get some MS apps to work on linux wine, because it uses a built in program that translates MS stuff and makes it work for linux, i'm no expert on this stuff, but i have no other option, so i have to make this move and it will probably be a pain in the ass.

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