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SLC Trip & Financial Leeches

Published on 21 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

My latest musings. More vids to come soon.

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ancientsea 4 years ago

You seem to have been the product of a pampered life. There is no denying this, your demeaner confesses this. Do you think BLM has validity ?? Perhaps racist white people owe you, no ?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Joseph Smith, the founder and leader of the Latter Day Saint movement, and his brother, Hyrum Smith, were killed by a mob in Carthage, Illinois, United States, on June 27, 1844, while awaiting trial in the town jail.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Thank you, jim. There is endless OBJECTIVE evidence that Jospeh Smith and Brigham Young were batshit crazy, and acted like scam artists and pathological liars, and also psychopaths. The amount of lies, greed, and deception about their holy scriptures that can be provably look-up makes them on par with Scientology and Jehovah's Witnesses. They all use the same cult-like methods of complete control and intimidation and coersion. How can anyone fucking defend this disgusting "church"? The numerous whistleblowers that break away for their freedom reveal exactly how insane and evil these cults are. They are all about blind loyalty, taking as much money/tithes as possible, and forcing compliance and uniform obedience through emotional, physical, and psychological abuse/torture; it breaks my heart, man, for all the young people that are suffering and miserable. All because their parents are too fucking stupid or cowardly to leave that insanity for the sake of their children and genetic future. Lots of acolytes in these mainstream cult 'churches' kill themselves every year. These cults all operate in a hive-mind, feminine, Satanic manner. No surprise that people spill the beans on the occultism and Satanic crap and pedophilia going on in these 'churches.'

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Johnny Johnny Johnny , you gotta work on those titles man. I had no idea what this was about.. ;).. I read some info about the origins of the Mormons that created some beliefs about that religion.. first of all.. Joseph Smith the founder of mormonism never made it out to salt lake city.. I THINK MORMONISM WAS AN ENGLISH PLOT aka the globalists? well, Joseph Smith founder of mormonism wanted to become the President of the USA.. Not only that, typical of the spanish trying to incite the indians against the settlers,, or patriots,, Joseph Smith also was working that angle it seems.. to build up the indians to undermine the patriots.. well, the patriots HAD indians on their side as well already.. and we are still here but due to the numbers game eventually look white.. Anyway, Joseph Smith was peddling his beliefs through Ohio and into Illinois and Missouri. Smith was murdered by a mob of illinois men numbering around 250 ,, while in an illinois jail.. Both Joseph Smith and his successor / brother Hiram Smith.. both were killed.. Then Brigham young appears and leads them to SLC.. I think Smith was likely a freemason.. and we now know that they work for the catholics.. to create a one world government..

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i love the conspiracy theory's my bro. it makes shit in life much more interesting than it actually was. i have read the churches history from the source and also went to this church, and it's probably the most boring story detailed story you will ever read, and i even read the book of Mormom and that was even more boring. again i wish all of these things you read online were true lol. but hey! if these rumors keep all the other crazy's out, i'm game lol. kind of like the gypsies were known for magic shit, and it turns out it was a lie to ward off the stupid ppl from getting anywhere close to them as they might be taken out by a curse lol. unfortunately most things in this world are much more plane and boring than you think. most everything in life on earth is explained through Occam's razor. however i have my own conspiracy theory's as well, because it's fun to talk about and speculate on these things.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i should start the new rumor and name it mormon magic.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: a troll? ;)

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@jimbennett: your supposed to laugh bro. not become an sjw and call me a troll lol.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@jimbennett: no no no. i should have said. THAT'S OUR WORD! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY THAT!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: oh, I AM laughin.. heheh

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@jimbennett: i like to joke around. but seriously, i did grow up in this church, and as much is said about it online and ppl who make the claims that they were members, none of this magic or wizard worlock shit exists lol. though funny as fuck i have to add. and it sounds like a great tactic to keep all the other crazy's out of utah. although johnny in his video is correct, utah has a fuck ton of crazy drivers. i don't drive crazy, i drive like an old man, always using cruse control never going 10 over the speed limit always following the laws and i don't care what the other drivers behind me think, especially when they try to intimidate me when they break the law and tailgate me. because that's their tactic they break the tail gating law in order to intimidate the driver in front of them to move over so they can pass them. and sometimes i return the favor by slowing down, and that's probably the most rude thing i do while driving.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: amen to that.. Automobile accidents can change a persons life in seconds..

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@jimbennett: have you ever seen the movie robin hood men in tights?

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KEEPER 4 years ago


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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

With all that I've learned as of the past couple of years, I'm very inclined to believe that your information is true or close to being true. Most of history is a giant conspiracy; conspiracies are very often the true way historical events actually happened. People who believe 9/11 [and World Trade Center 7 building] just happned because of some dumb luck and 'evil' Arab terrorists, said people are proven to be morons with each passing day. Lol Gypsies practicing witchcraft is a lie? Really? When they were known all over Europe for fortune-telling, palm reading, seances, and also huge amounts of theft, burglary, fraud, exortion, and casting curses onto people. Why do you think they [along with the Jews] were chased out of most areas they came through? Not for no reason; there's always a good reason. That would be just like people saying American Whites look down ghetto Blacks and stupid Latinos for NO REASON. We all know the obvious reasons why well-to-do productive people (of every race) look down on and despise the unproductive, violent, stupid, inbred lower classes of people [the 'Trash' people of society]; the same trashy people that prooduce most of the orphans, drug addicts, and violent fucked-in-the-head criminals! So saying we hate them because we're prejudiced/racists/ etc. would make no sense and it would be an obvious lie. If a person is hated by everyone they run into, then it's definitely that person, not the rest of the evil world that is racist and hateful or jealous.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: Why do you think people drive so crazily there? It's not because of overpopulation or stress from a huge city living. It's because of the anxiety, stress, depression, and resentment the people have for the fucked-up way they're made to live in the Mormon Church. Utah is under-populated, vast majority White, and has beautiful nature and weather. So by all means it should be a White people's paradise on Earth, right? No fucking darkies or non-Whites to ruin any of the nirvana, right? Lol that's what I thought it was going to be. That's how Utahans described it as. But guess what? I literally got a chance to see the angst, fake happiness, aggressiveness, and depression that is widespread especially in the greater SLC area. The region is fucking gorgeous, jobs are plentiful, people are healthy and attractive. By all means it should not have a negative, gray cloud (emotionally speaking) hanging around everyone. It made me sad to see these gorgeous young women with sad faces on, or donning obviously fake smiles, and having to go through all the fake motions when talking to people like me. A number of guys blocked their wives/GF from even going near me, and they themselves acted threatened by new people. They have lots of large families, but so many of their children escape every year when they are old enough. I run into ex-Mormons when I go to Vegas for gambling. Their testimonies speak of rampant incest, sexual molestation by church elders, and many other disgusting things those despicable pieces of trash get up to, when they have the power and authority to do so. Speaks volumes to just how inhuman a lot of people become when they get an opportunity to prey on the weak. There is nothing that excuses that, because not all of us would do such disgusting things with power and authority. SOME of us would like to see people flourish, improve themselves, become who they're meant to be, and advance the human race. But unfortunately the human filth clusters at the top of hierachies because they hate goodness and advancement; they like misery, pain, evil, and unspeakable horrors to be inflicted on the innocent.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: dude you are living in a buble of fucked up thoughts. yes bad ppl exist in all religions and cultures and all around the world. i'm also not denying that incest, sexual molestation by church elders or by whomever is doing it exist. but this shit exists everywhere all around the world, is it right? fuck no it's not right. but it's also nowhere near as rampant as you think. the catholic church has it's fare share of molestation and sexual abuse murder suicide, with alleged demonic possession cases, news flash! fucked up ppl exist everywhere. also over population doesn't exist, there are millions of unused miles of this earth that that no humans live on or have ever lived on. if you were to collect all the ppl in the world and put them in just the USA alone. it would be plenty of room for everyone and also with plenty of breathing room. now onto the comment of anxiety, stress, depression, and resentment, you are making the assumption it's directly related to the church and nothing else, if you live in realty you would understand there a million shades of gray in why someone could be mad, sad, or anxious, or depressed. like putting it all on one thing is not only ignorant and close minded, but it's incorrect. but you are correct about city living. that's why i don't live in the city, i used to work in the city and it sucks ass. the kind of ppl you have to deal with down there would make anyone depressed. the guys protecting their women, that kind of behavior is normal biological impulses that exist in all men, now being mgtow makes you understand why it exists because of biology especially if you look threatening or towering in some way, now i don't play that game anymore because i don't trust these women. i'm too red pilled for that kind of shit. but i will acknowledge it's existence. also i have no idea what you are talking about with this comment, No fucking darkies or non-Whites to ruin any of the nirvana. this is a very ignorant comment, there are plenty of mix in races in utah. but yes it is majority white ppl, because when the mormons came here in the first place that's all what the population was for many many generations. you call it paradise for white ppl. well i will let you know, not everyone likes snow or cold weather.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

or lockdowns and mask mandates. this covid thing is depressing alone. especailly if the majority populaion takes it all way to seriously and the govenor locks everything down because reasons, although i will say they have been a bit more relaxed than many other places in the states with covid. but that same governor is a old liberal man who fears for his own life more than anyone else does so i guess i don't really blame him for his actions on the matter.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i don't like it when it snows in utah. i wish it would just not snow ever, or maybe only snow in the mountains lol but some ppl here love it because they ski or snowboard.

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