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Sleeping With Women Makes You Stupid - MGTOW

Published on 08 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you Crypto King and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, So I noticed the same thing about Styxhexenhammer. He complains way to much about the YouTube shadow ban however. I think things started to change on his channel once he got married. I'm sure you noticed the same thing. I actually was a long time subscriber of his channel. His content started to become bland and I found myself not caring to even check out his channel as was my daily routine. "Coffee with Styx" in the early mornings was something I looked forward to. Anyway: I recall him saying years ago in more than one of his videos that he would never get remarried (he was married once before), and out of no where he marries this Dutch chick. I mean good for him if he's happy, but it definitely has impacted the quality of his work. Shortly before he got married, he was talking about depression, his main laptop used to make his content broke. He didn't get into what was causing his depression but I think he was having some relationship problems, just from how he was talking in his videos. Than quickly after he announced he got married. Just a guess. Also I'm super surprised that he is living in Amsterdam right now. He was always so proud to be American and said he has no desire to travel the world. Amazing what we men do for our women. I believe he is still a good guy, but he needs to find himself again or something, because he definitely changed. On a side note I believe there's only maybe 2 or 3 youtubers who I watch who have stayed true to their original messaging: You, AIU (although he's on now), and maybe Vee (the Romanian guy). Regards, CryptoKing. Well CryptoKing thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring: Anyways, now back to the video. If you're wondering about Styx's ex wife she's in the picture on the left with him. The one or two pictures you see on the right are of his new wife. Look at the pictures. The new wife is thinner, prettier with blonde hair and I don't blame him for marrying her. His sexual marketplace value went since he became a famous internet philosopher and I bet you anything she probably reached out to him. You know that when you marry a woman or have a longer term relationship she moves you to where her family and friends are so that she can have them keep an eye out on you for supervision. Plus you're going to family functions on the weekends and you don't have the quiet calm time in your life to reflect on new ideas. Less time to think and work means the quality of your work goes down by half. Sex and love drops the quality of your work by another half. So you're down to one quarter of the insight and ideas you had before. Just go back to 2015 in my catalogue of videos and you'll see a video called Monks of MGTOW and you'll see how big a douchebag love made me become. How it shrunk my mind the way hormone pills shrink a trannies balls. Mating creates a massive dilema for our species. A man's intellect according to Anthony Hopkins in Westworld is like Peacock feathers. It's an elaborate display designed to attract a mate. But what happens to the male Peacock after mating season? All the energy he expends to keep those feathers needs to be conserved so the feathers fall off. For the human male our brain is the most expensive organ energy wise. Nature doesn't care that there is a surplus of energy available to run the brain after mating season.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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OniriumSage 4 years ago

Waaaaaaaaiiit, "you still enjoy watching his videos from time to time", displayed publicly on 8 Apr 2021. In coaching Sandie goes: I don't have time to watch videos, I work, so I don't watch videos. Hmmm, Sandie is a somewhat subtle manipulator. Thanks for truth, Sands ! Well received !
43rd Like. :-p

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Makkmester 4 years ago

Wow, Styx had a really ugly wife.

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