Slightly Bias Media
Published on 29 Jan 2022 / In
Film & Animation
So much spin I'm dizzy
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What's with the caldera on the background?
(((The media)))
The media's constant attacks on Joe Rogan have once again exposed their manic desire to shut down any voices they can't control. I think they are genuinely afraid they are losing the narrative.
Freedom is like Money and living in your head it's all Relevant. My simple rules are "Mouth shut, Mind open" but not to open that your brains fall out! lol!
All Government control relies on YOU or US to follow it, this is why they use FEAR. If you don't follow like a sheep and dip your toe into the lifestyle they want you to live, then you are free from 99% of their control mechanism. The 1% left is how you move around in the broken system doing your own thing in plain sight but being invisible at the dame time. People say - but you are caught on CCTV 300 times a dasy? Bollocks! CCTV only becomes a problem if you knowingly give it cause to watch you? so become the Grey MAN, the Ghoster by NOT giving it cause to see you? You can live YOUR own life as you want by looking and "ACTIN G" like the sheep, sort of a Wolf in Sheeps clothing you could say? They deal in mass numbers not an individual, that would be impossible from an expense point of view alone to waste money and resources on such things without just cause? what ever they put in place via media or anything else can be un picked ans circumvented!