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Slingshot Richochet - expecting the unexpected

Published on 13 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation

I always thought this was a chunk of the bottle coming back at him... Anyways.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

HOLY SHIT!!! I did NOT expect that!

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I hope ze dude is alright!

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@bigintol03: Yeah.... trivial shit like wearing impact resistant safety glasses etc.. I once shot down into a mining pit full of ferns and long grass at a rabit about 70 meters away, at an angle of about 37.254689 degrees, and the bullet hit a rock in the grass and came straight back at me, wizzing about two meters away above my shoulder..... Long fucking odds - but my old man always said, "NEVER EVER shoot at water or rocks... because bullets CAN richochet off in all directions - including straight back at you... Look them up on youtube - hit by ricochet - This is why when shooting ducks on the water, from a kayak, using subsonic 0.22 rounds - be sure to hit the duck...

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: My father gave me the exact same advice!

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@bigintol03: No shit... Clever Dad. And fathers despite their some times many faults, tend to be good value - no matter how little there is of it, where as women tend to be idiots.... and nothing but idiots....

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@bigintol03: And it's good advice for a REASON - but it's different when you experience a close miss - "Lead bullets don't bounce" - well yes they do..... " And how can a bullet going in one direction return on almost the exact same path... " --- Well I have NO fucking idea - how they do it, but they DO do it.... When that bullet wizzed past me at about 2 meters away - I didn't shit bricks with fright... but I did say, "Fuck - I know what that was" - and the issues of good hunting / high speed impact resistant safety glasses... Well I had better get some.... and although the moss covered rocks in the thick grass... shooting that was a pure accident...

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bigintol03 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: "where as women tend to be idiots.... and nothing but idiots"...Never have truer words been spoken brother!!!

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@bigintol03: Have you seen this.... Women - talking out their arses...

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