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Smart Enough To Be Useful . . Dumb Enough To Be Used - MGTOW

Published on 09 May 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Luciano and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman.. for now I don't have any question, I just appreciate what you do for us.. I just feel very grateful that you put your privileged intelligence into work that benefits men in general instead of using it only to benefit yourself.. The only thing that baffles me about all this information is that most men think that only they have a bad deal. That they are the only ones dealing with a crazy woman, have bad luck in love or that there's something wrong with them. When the reality is showing now (thanks to people like you) that it is a generalized can it be that men don't realize that what happens, happens to all men and not only to 1? it seems that there's a taboo to talk about it and that makes it impossible for men to realize there's a pattern. I live with the idea that there was something wrong with me for years, I unconsciously avoided relationships for many years assuming that I was incapable of forming a quality love life. now I realize that I was not so crazy. How can it be that nobody questions their misery and realizes that it is more the rule than the exception? Thanks for everything Sandman and stay healthy.. remember that the best way prepare for this virus is to imagine that you are going to high altitude place like Everest. Altitude masks and supplements for altitude are good way to get your body ready... nothing to loose and a lot to gain.. Take care." Well Luciano you say you have no questions for me yet you brought up many great points that I'll get to in just a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. So Luciano with regards to my work while it benefits many of my listeners it also benefits me as well. It keeps me on the straight and narrow with regards to relationships and staying away from them from
constantly warning myself day in and day out about the negatives with getting involved with modern women. But it also causes me hardships with regards to my health. As I've mentioned recently I've got Candida and that's what's been causing me tons of skin issues and other ailments for the last five or six years. Partially from the stress of having to produce content on a daily basis. But also with regards to watching and listening to other content producers that
put out thoughtful content that stresses me out because it makes me see the world for what it really is instead of the world I want it to be. Recently I've had to stop listening to a lot of content producers that I like because when I do their thoughtful insights stress me out and it makes my candida worse. As for your other comments about why men think they are the only ones dealing with bad western women and thinking they are crazy for seeing what they see it has to to with men's hyperindividualism when compared to women. As men we are islands onto ourselves. We are forced to be self reliant and most male friends won't even help you out because their subconscious secretly wants you to fail because that elevates their status in the hierarchy and gets them greater access to better women to reproduce with. MGTOW is men trading notes about women in the comments section below my videos and others. Women preventing men from sharing notes about women and female nature is how they have managed to dominate human societies since the beginning. It's like men are all a bunch of slaves on the plantation that speak different languages and can't communicate to each other that we are in bondage. This takes me to the title of this video. Smart enough to be useful but dumb enough to be used. My thinking is that women have bred men this way through natural selection. That the men that are here today are descendants of men that didn't talk to each other about women. Those men would have been ostracized from the tribe.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

The day the artificial womb gets invented, women will revert to being true 2nd rate citizens that they always were.

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mrghoster 5 years ago

I ignore female Nature, because women are now completely Un Natural, they settled for the dollar sign rather than humanity or humility? As a full blown Monk I don't do ANYTHING for women, especially as the picture showed fixing their car's or anything mechanical or electrical! women deserve only one thing from MEN or REAL MEN anyways/ that one thing I'm even willing to give females in abundance? It's my total "CONTEMPT" for thewm and complete indifference toward them.

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MoonBase 5 years ago

I wonder why you're deliberating on getting with a woman to lower stress. Don't you have a sex doll (or two?). Has he done any videos on this? I also thought this was going to be about the Sam Vaknin video because I saw your comment on it which was exactly the title of this video. That was my first vid of Sam's and got to say he's lost all credibility in my mind. He thinks Chads are just sitting at home lonely while women are going after betas. OK BOOMER.

I've got candida as well. I'm ending a 3 day water fast right now and just ordered some bone broth to help heal the gut. I'm oil pulling and taking oil of oregano too, and will try some alternate day fasting. I will definitely try to keep my stress lower during these times, I still want to hustle really hard but it's not the time to do that. Just have to coast.

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mrghoster 5 years ago

Vaknin is a sychopath and Narcissist. the very first thing I saw with him in was a Documentary about his own self confessed Psychosis

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RoboCat 5 years ago

Candida ? as in candida albicans? you don't need 'bone broth' nor 'oil pulling'. Get some antimycotic medicine and you'll clear right up.

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MoonBase 5 years ago

@RoboCat: if one has candida they definitely have gut damage => bone broth. Oil pulling is because I have thrush, but hey if you know a particular brand of medicine let me know.

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RoboCat 5 years ago

@MoonBase: 'thrush' = Candida albicans. That's a fungus, aka a mycotic infection. There are many reasons this can occur and it isn't necessarily 'gut damage', the main cause is immunodepression (Weak immune system) and excessive use of antibiotics. As to a specific brand, I have no idea as I am not from the same nation as you. Any broad spectrum antimycotic should do the trick, I.e. miconazole/clotrimazole/etc. Do as you please and best of luck to you.

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MoonBase 5 years ago

@RoboCat: gut damage is an effect of it. Can't just kill candida you have to repair damage and feed good bacteria

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