Smash and grabbers FIND OUT
Published on 18 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
In Pleasant Hill, CA a large group attempts a smash and grab at a consignment store, but one 73 year old employee stops the robbery in under 30 seconds. And this is becoming a common trend as it also recently occurred at a jewelry store in Manhattan Beach, California. And last year in Norco, Horsetown USA. What is going on in SoCal?
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Background Music by
Kevin MacLeod |
Yung Logos | YouTube Audio Library
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Soon someone will start selling cashier boxes with a built-in M60 to those businesses...
Nothing says "Come rob me, I'm a pvssy", better than, "This is a gun free zone". Remember, most (99%) corporations don't G.A.F. about your safety as much as they G.A.F. about their profits. JMO.
Why, oh why don't these Store Owners invest in a Mossberg 590A Shotgun and send some of these Thugs to Hades??? Where I live, they would be shot. No joke.
It always makes me laugh when these "billy badass" thugs turn into coward's the instance someone fights back. They're nothing but cowardly bullies.
He missed.
I think I could have gotten 4 out of 5 with head shots.
Maybe I am just a cunt.
Maybe I fucking hate scumbag junkies and thieves.