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Snow White, Building an Empire, & Making Movies | Jeremy Boreing | EP 389

Published on 19 Oct 2023 / In People & Blogs

Dr. Jordan B Peterson sits down with screenwriter, director, and co-founder of the Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing. They discuss the landmark launch of the Bentkey Kids platform, what children’s edu-tainment should actually be (Keeping politics out of it), the bizarre inversion of Hollywood from the transcendental to the political, and the folly of leftist populism at the expense of values, culture, and your children.

Jeremy Danial Boreing is an American director, screenwriter, and producer. Boreing is co-founder of DailyWire+ and is responsible for all content produced by the company, including the movie that uncanceled Gina Carano, “Terror on the Prairie,” and the most talked-about documentary of 2022, “What is a Woman?” starring Matt Walsh. Boreing is currently in production co-directing a scripted series based on the first two books of Stephen A. Lawhead’s “The Pendragon Cycle” series.

Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8

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- Links -

Bentkey Adventures and DW+ https://bit.ly/3S2j6ax

- Chapters -

(0:00) Tour dates
(0:39) Coming up
(1:03) Intro
(3:52) Launching Bentkey
(5:19) The Left insists that everything is political… it’s not.
(10:23) The political versus the eternal, Snow White
(18:07) A Conservative in the American sense
(22:18) Early responses and the promise of quality
(31:02) The origins of Bentkey
(35:07) Accepting failure, building toward success
(41:40) Success doesn’t mean you get what you want
(43:40) The Pendragon Cycle, coming full circle
(48:36) What you want versus what you want to want
(52:17) Tony Stark is almost a fascist
(54:08) What changes the world is not politics, but culture
(58:10) When Babylon Bee interviewed Jonathan Pageau
(59:30) Bridging values with media
(1:03:16) Moses, Elijah, and Thomas Jefferson
(1:07:41) Finding talent who want to make an impact
(1:12:58) “Funded by billionaires” is an empty rumor
(1:14:40) Trying to get to Mars
(1:18:36) Calibrating fear, accepting risk, and making the impossible happen
(1:22:41) Why Arthurian legend, the importance of love, faith, and hardship
(1:26:04) Abraham - choosing to leave the Socialist paradise
(1:30:21) You have free will, use it for good

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// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning

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