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Snow White How 1 Trailer Destroyed a Movie

Published on 22 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Well, if you want us to believe in "Snow White," at the least cast a younger actress who id hotter than Gal Gadot!? Snow White and the Huntsman is a better "reimagining" than this Snow Shite the Shit Show...Hoe Not White.

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Toki 4 months ago

She's so damn ugly. All the young thots actresses are making more money doing porn, Twitch, ASMR, cosplay, etc. All of it is just porn basically. For Western film and TV you get the leftover women no one wants to see naked or in a cosplay. That's why there's no white women as well. White women are the number one on the charts for thotting around online while being unemployed.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

They hate White People and are moving to destroy "us" methinks because we Americans and Western Civilization, ie White People, defeated the Satanic Globohomo Jews at least twic (WW1 and WW2) and arguably Korean and Vietnam Wars... These modern Middle Eastern incursions were designed to weaken us: That is Historians call the Middle East the death of Empires for a reason...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

It's Reverse Exodus: It took Moses forty years to raise andcarmy in the wilderness and give Joshua the reigns to invade Jericho to carve out theur Israel around God El's second mountain. The mountain was the place where Isaac almost died under Abraham's hand...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

No kids because these Globohomos sterilized our kids via microplastics in our diet now balls, gender bullshit castrating men and detittifying women, estrogen and other hormones in our livestock and dairy not too the overuse of antibodies and vaccines, the constant whining and bitching including not hiring White people and men, and this bull shit entanglement and economic collapse with the Middle East and China.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

No kids in the future means no standing army to stop the Globohomos... you think this might be why all the "empires" kicked the arrogant Jews (hobgoblins) out of their country or in WW2 Germany's case solve the issue with walk in ovens?

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Or the women are making more money from simps than Hollywood/etc. I don't care about the society. A society of worshiping women, celebs, and Govs as false gods? Of course they are dying out. Does it even matter? Humans will nuke each other into dust within the next century. Nobody should be having kids. Compaines not hiring white people and men? How many are looking for work instead of e-welfare these days? Kind of funny really. Better Bachelor for example stays home and plays online while non-whites and women work. Taking advantage of you and your production.

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She is just a retarded leg spreader - and an idiot.

Like most feminists.

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