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So THIS Is Why They’re REPLACING You With Immigrant Workers

Published on 24 Apr 2024 / In Entertainment

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As Congress passes legislation containing $95 billion in military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, the migration crisis continues to be fuelled by American corporations shaping immigration policy to lower wage growth.

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Toki 9 months ago

Yes and working at any of those places is like being a prison laborer underneath a massive 1984 surveillance network. A zoo animal on exhibit.
You also lower wage growth because you are a social elite who doesn't work, yet lives high on the hog like a McD's CEO. You aren't near as lame as them though I'll give you that. A beard and all. No fag business suit thankfully. No military cut hair like a NPC trained to groom themselves to fit in.
Americans are too busy welfare streaming and begging for free money online. That's why they want a slave labor migrant workforce to serve them. Then they complain when the slave labor force shows up in their country to replace them lol. Because they are replacing the domestic Sloths through birth rates and less feminism. Mexicans and such are better neighbors than blacks, CEOs, shareholders, managers, streamers, cops/military, Karens/Shaniquas, and other feminists.
I tell ya what. How about Central and S America trade a ton of migrants with N America? N America gets new arrivals and C/S America can have ALL of the American blacks. Please. I can't go outside without annoying music and wannabe gang-banging cringe culture. Mexican culture/music/festival is decent culture and isn't annoying/cringe. I'm not into real women at all. But I'd rather have latinas around than black females.

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Toki 9 months ago

Yeah because Westerners are going to find jobs and work instead of expecting welfare. Please..
Russell are you going to go fill a spot at McDs, WalMart? If not then shut up. Continue your online unemployment welfare platform where idiots give you free money despite the fact you're already rich.

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TripeSwing 9 months ago

Russell 'Jump Cut' Brand. wow, the editor must work alot

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