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Society Drives Men out of the Workforce, Then Complains About it!

Published on 18 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation
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Straven 18 hours ago

To destroy a society/country you must first destroy those that always fought and died to protect this case the men of said country. They've been working to destroy America and other western countries for quite some time now.

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usr6874038614 13 hours ago

and they used women as useful idiots to achieve their goal. The white christian man is the only one standing in the way of their NWO, hence why he gets targetted so hard. It's ok to let the current society collapse, but be very wary of anyone standing up and claiming to have the solution afterwards, it is highly likely it will be an NWO-er.

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Menwalkaway 1 day ago

Men no longer give a shit


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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

But RGE, Globohomo wants to kill us... we can't give up HR! Oh... back to the hospital bills... we if they hot enough, women can help pay off uhm hospital costs... male doctors, PA's, nurses, EMTs, etc work such long hours... if only women's had a way to relieve their stress, the men's not the women's... might even shut them up for a bit... maybe she be enwove long time...

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