Society Is In Trouble
Published on 05 Apr 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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I hate this world :(
I don't find "Clown World" anymore funny than I find Clown's. Tradtionally Clowns in a circus were mentally damaged in many cases which is why they hid their misery under grease paint to start with? Minmd you when I was at School I got to meet "Charlie corolli" or Coco The Clown when he came to give us a road safety talk with his little car that fell to pieces! lol! Nice funny Guy may I add.
I would assume? that a really good looking Feminine Boy would probably be Gay rather than a trannie, because every trannie I've ever seen is more butch than if they were a MAN without the deception. Mental illness seems to be rampant and uncontrolled these day's, so much so I'me very surprised there has not been some Jsack the ripper Psycho going round killing trannies? lol!
I've seen them in my local Lidl. One of them is about 60+ and has a really deep voice and is really skinny so it still looks like a male with a bad wig on. The other is a bloated fucking fat panto Dame type that is dressed all flowery and looks like one of the cinderella ugly sister's again has a deep faggot like voices as well. i was once signed up to a local help group called Next door where you could phone or they could phone you , like pensioners, if they needed a luittle job done and sometimes you even made a few bob doing little jobs for them. It soon stopped when I was called by a GUY (well the voice was), and asked if I could fit a roof bar on a people carrier. It was an old Guy and he gave a female name which I assumed was for the lady needing the roof bar fitted. When I got there this "THING" appeared from the front door that looked like an REALLY UGLY ugly Sister from Panto, it was fucking embarrassing for me, anyway did the job and promptly took my name of the list to help anyone anymore. I mean the fucker hadn'e even bothered tio shave that morning so had a 6 o'clock shadow under the fake up which looked like a 5 year old had done it! lol! Why do MEN want to be like a femon? It actually sounded like a Guy like a sone asking if I could fix say his mother's car or something, plus the fact all the kid's were on school holiday as well! lol!
Don’t fret, the line protecting the decrepit in clown world will abruptly be erased. A hiccup or two this civilization will stubble upon it’s demise. Anyhow, enjoy the weekend gents, this circus we live in, is quite entertaining. Lol cheers