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Sociopath analysis: the narcissist

Published on 18 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

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When I run across people like her - just be nice, buy them a coffee - make the effort to point them in better directions in life and move on... It's not our problem and it's not your fault, and it's not your job to fix her. A little bit of kindness goes a long way.

I just lay it on them, "If you don;t pull out of this sex addict shit, you will just slide from one problem to the next and the shit will get deeper and harder to get out of. These are the places that can be very helpful, and try dressing up like a nice woman instead of a side show circus..... Nice meeting you" - and then get the fuck out of there.

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Watch the fucking seductive hook in's and game playing - from 27:50 - just after - she is going, "Oh I am done with relationships etc." and

The guy asks her, "But your still having sex though?" and

She immediately switches... to pure pervert sex addict manipulator with a seductive pose, seductive eye contact, sexually provocative posturing and the way she says, "Yeahhh"... in a alluring "come fuck me voice".

I bet she was incested....

Either way - she is just a shit bag of fucking trouble and crazy instability.

Liar, manipulator, a dozen phony personalities...

Avoid the crazy like a head on with a big truck....

She is NOTHING but fucking problems.

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Longshanks 2 years ago

They love psyops. And they hate each other. When you let these principle's guide your vision you see that display on the interview for what it is:

It's a psyop to get simps to feel sorry for her and bring their meat for processing. Meet the new religions for today, manned by failed spiteful whores. Connected to the internet.

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She is cute / attractive.
She is an idiot.
She is full of shit.

The other people are interesting to watch - the blondie ghoul girl - the latina guy - the dark haired women and the sandy haired woman in the red dress....

The pretty bimbo - is the sort of chick you think about fucking and avoiding....
She is nothing but a sexually manipulative cunt.
She has no value.
She is all liability.

This is a brilliant analysis - you see I am as dumb as all fuck and my feeble pea brain is usually severely overloaded at the simplest of ideas.

So I need cleverer people to explain things to me and point things out.

Though I only fancy the floozie because I am in need of a good fuck - I could not stand being around her and her bullshit and drama and mind games and crap...

Got to get on with it.

Good video.

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