Solo News
Published on 22 May 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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I found as I got older I could make the bullies LAUGH, and they tended to leave me alone then? Not always. The Irony was I was making them LAUGH at THEMSELVES! - As Mr Punch once said being a bully himself - "Dat's the way to do it"!
This kid's mother I think should just "GET THE FINGER" from the school Board! lol! A single "Digit" pay out you could say!
Black poeple in Wale's used to be called Coal Miner's! I got the CRAP bullied and bashed out of me when Iwas a kid at school. but it never halmed me in anyway all these years on? - They just haven't found any of the bodies yet!Most og the bullies at shool asre still around and most of them are useless, weak, loser's today, whereas I'm Thriving thanks to MGTOW ans Stoicism!
If the news is from a RAG paper it must be for femon's a Monthly Rag? I see the old cow has got that 10'000 Cock stare , it must be an age thing as 1000 cocks went by in distant memory I would think? Braaaah! just the thought has left a sickly taste in my mouth which is probably what she leaves dribbles in his mouth when they kiss! Braaaahhh! I can imagine them kissing (though I'd rather NOT), and her saying Hey honey have you seem my teeth as hew spit's them out!
If the child had been Caucasian and chased by a few Negros, said chase resulting in his loss of a finger, the NEWS would have attributed the fence as the culprit.