SoloMan's News Night
Published on 28 Jul 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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The MSM have already started pushing the lie and narrative that 40 degrees WILL become the norm. Right now her in my part of the ul It'd 15 Degree's and pissing down with heavy rain. It's all a Lie. I remember a few weeks ago it was something like 38 Degree's for One Day in the UK and the press declared the world was ending! lol! I spent the afternoon in the garden with a couple of beers and a Pimm's or two (in the shade), and then went for a nice Motorcycle ride! lol! don't know about you other guy's but I think I'm becoming immune to their constant "BULLSHITTERY", are you?
I'm all in favor of femons getting "Suspended" Sentences as long as it is their NECK they are suspended by.
That FAKE Russel women's kidnapping was it carried out by delusional imaginary Femon "Russeler's" (Rustler's)! lol!
There are plenty of CUNT's on the road but to actually see one in the flesh is scarce! lol! did she do a BIG taco FART of something? I'm trying to work out what the mist is! i ssuppose it could be the natural smell vapor of the modern women's VAGINA, something FISHY I suspect! Oh firing at passing car's I thought you said FARTING at passing cars on the basis of that blur! Modern femons are pathologically MENTAL ILL today. The Femon is along with much of the world suffering from some sort of Psychotic Break or Psychosis, this is why I have Nothing to do with FEMON's "AT ALL" and limit my activity with humans anyway's.
If she REALLY wants to be like BARBIE I bet she hasn't had her VAG removed or sown up! lol! Just replanted as those lip's I guess! lol!