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Some bugs are good to eat alive.

Published on 26 Jan 2023 / In Film & Animation

Some bugs are good to eat alive.

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Terry is very butch. I am not. He can go first.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

No thank you. I'd rather go fishing or hunting. Looks like something my food eats.

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For a GREAT BIG spider, with great big fangs.... it's not fighting back and it's not biting..... So has it been defanged or kept in a refrigerator at nearly 0*C....... I mean giving spiders a kiss and a cuddle and tickling their tummies is one thing.... manhandling them and biting them from either end... with their fangs in place - is another...

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Councilof1 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I figured something was up. Spider's usually move faster than that.

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@Councilof1: The facts and fine details don't quite line up - but the fit is good.... The district capital of Skuon is also known as "Spiderville."[3] The town has become famous with both locals and international visitors to Cambodia for its fried spiders.[4] The spiders are either captured in their burrows or bred for sale. First the venom is removed and then the spider is killed by squeezing the thorax. The spiders are then fried whole with garlic and salt. The practice of eating spiders in Cheung Prey began under the Democratic Kampuchea regime in Cambodia. Eating spiders and other insects helped locals starving from the harsh policies of the Khmer Rouge. Now that local residents have acquired the taste, the fame of the crunchy spiders has spread and people travel from Phnom Penh just to sample the deep fried arachnae.[5] International visitors also travel to Skun to see the spiders, but most are content to take photographs rather than sample this unusual delicacy.

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And I am not super tuned into Asian languages and all the varieties of Asian people - she obviously has access to a spider farm, and I don't know the language, or the region she is from and or the nationalities her parents cross bred with, but people vary tremendoously - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, China, Korea, etc., but more of a guess than anything, spider farms, eating spiders, probably Cambodian...

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