Some More Hot Air
Published on 17 Sep 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Ya da ya da
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The Human Race is basically being BORED to death by the femon's! Or masybe nagged to death. I had a femon come round complaining my bush out the from was to "Bushy"! She asked or demanded I cut it back, I agreed and said I would do it. % minutes later she is just standing there repeating her self important self. I went in an shammed the door in it's face. I did trim the bush because the femon had pointed out it did need trimming. strange thing was she was complaining about the height yet kept talking about the root's! well that's femon's for ya!
ALL femon's take the Sugar daddy Government shilling so ALL femons are feminist's. Government has taken the place of the average MAN now, WE MEN are not really beholden to any femon as long as you remain uninvolved with them.
Everything from the council to most shops are now run or dominated by femon's and EVERYTHING and I mean everything is literally falling apart. I've had a few days away and got a card wanting a Gas Meter reading when ?I got back. Tried twice both times nearly 30 minutes to phone the gas company and couldn't get through, so the card suggested the onlkine route, tried that and I cant find my Gas account in the online service to give a reading, it only has the lecky account? So in cases like this I just sit back and wait for them to MOAN. I've noticed with the police as well as they move about it seems to be two midged femon's with one token Cock (sorry) Cop with them, probably to protect them not the public. Never mind I'm kinda loving the fact it's all going down the shitter, because very little of it effects me anyway!
Nothing better to lower your testosterone than cohabiting with a femon, time tested and proven. Grab a beer..,
My friend's wife died.. I told him, don't worry she is in a better place,, he said yea,, . I says HELL has got to be better than living with you. .heh..