Space Warfare & Anti Satellite Weapons - "Taking the High Ground" in the New Warfighting Domain
Source: Perun.
Whenever a new technology is developed a new domain becomes accessible, there's often a brief window before it's weaponised.
The first computer predates the first hacking attack, the first aircraft were not armed, and the first satellites were blissfully immune to any targeting or attack.
But humans are humans, and if there's a target to hit, sooner or later militaries will try to find a way to hit it. And where a domain becomes particularly valuable (in the way space has becomes) it makes sense that it will not remain immune to attack forever.
For further research see the post/thread at Defending-Gibraltar that contains this video:
441,449 LOW EARTH ORBIT SATELLITES Operating, Approved and Proposed
"End Time Prophecy" PDF eBook download (Complementary)
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