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Spike clotting in vaccinated vs unvaccinated (abnormal clots episode 7 - update 100)

Published on 14 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

After an extensive analysis of spike protein-related clot formation, scientists have provided us with the long-awaited first clue. We now shift our focus towards investigating the occurrence of clots in different groups: unvaccinated individuals versus those who have received the COVID-19 vaccination, as well as healthy controls versus patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Location: Sarrail ridge, Alberta

Described content:
Vaxx vs unvaxx clotting: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8247/15/8/931

Long COVID and ME/CFS summit: https://living-from-inspiratio....n.mykajabi.com/sched

Supplements survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/....d/e/1FAIpQLSfGz3rcVB

Dr. Raszek Credentials: https://merogenomics.ca/en/about/

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