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Mental Health - RedKnight

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Spinning Out 1991 Schizophrenia Documentary

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Published on 09 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

Anne Deveson's 1991: Spinning Out will help people to understand the human face of a uniquely human disease - schizophrenia. There is no known cause or cure. Schizophrenia has been a puzzle for centuries. One in a hundred people will develop the illness. 25% of these will have a single attack, then recover, but most sufferers experience recurrent tormenting attacks. Anne Deveson, whose own son was schizophrenic, speaks directly to experts on the subject - schizophrenics themselves and their families. We meet Simon, a consumer advocate and artist; Jay, a mathematical physicist and his daughter, Susan, who is also schizophrenic; street kid, Ace; and Bill and Paul who have spent most of their lives in institutions. It is a touching and important film which argues strongly for activism amongst patients, carers and the psychiatric profession.

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