Spinster Roastie dating coach tells Women to date ''Goodlooking Men only!'' Disgusted by Ugly Men
Published on 29 Apr 2021 / In
People & Blogs
Spinster menopausal dating coach tells Women that they need to be even more Hypergamous and feels disgusted about dating ''Ugly men''
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Bitch looks like the Crypt Keeper.
I say this without irony but unattractive/ugly men are scorned the same as the Blacks were in the 50's
And we know the Tinder study where 80% of men are rated as ugly. That is **80%** of men are below average; according to females selection; not their stated opinion which can demonstrate their virtue signaling bias.
Dating advice from single women is some sort of oxymoron, probably.
Here's advice on how to succeed at this thing I've failed at....
I never win money, but here's how I pick my horses.
Above all- He must be agreeable (meaning- he eats shit sandwiches).
I thought it was a Man dubbing a voice over. ! It should say I only date good looking GAY Men ! SMH ... ...Ps, I sure am getting tired of this Sick World .